
Moonfare Completes EUR 25 Mio. in Series A Financing

Kate­go­rie: Private Equity
12. April 2019

Berlin - Moon­fare has closed an over­sub­scri­bed Series A finan­cing round. In total they raised €25m of capi­tal to date with it’s team of 23 people, a board of direc­tors of 4 and 34 inves­tors. Accor­ding to the foun­der Alex­an­der Argy­ros’ (foto)philo­so­phy, the capi­tal will be dedi­ca­ted to buil­ding upon Moonfare’s world-class invest­ment plat­form that enables private indi­vi­du­als to invest into top-tier Private Equity funds.

Moonfare’s share­hol­der base is now compri­sed of more than 100 private equity insi­ders, C‑level execu­ti­ves and entre­pre­neurs from across Europe, Asia and the Middle East. This is one of the largest Series A rounds ever done in Europe by indi­vi­dual inves­tors. We thank our share­hol­ders and Moon­fare inves­tors for their conti­nuous trust and support.

To date, Moon­fare has brought six top-tier private equity funds to market inclu­ding offe­rings from EQT, the Carlyle Group and Warburg Pincus. In 2019 alone, we expect to bring an addi­tio­nal 8–10 funds on the plat­form. .


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