
Ardian erwirbt Mehrheitsbeteiligung an Speziallogistiker Staci

9. Okto­ber 2019

Paris - Ardian, eines der welt­weit führen­den Invest­ment­häu­ser, erwirbt die Mehr­heit an Staci, einem führen­den euro­päi­schen Spezi­al­lo­gis­ti­ker von Copeba.  Das Mana­ge­­ment-Team angführt von Thomas Mortier betei­ligt sich neben Ardian ebenso wie die Inves­t­­ment-Teams der Société Générale’s.

Staci wurde 1989 gegrün­de­tes und ist ein in Europa markt­füh­ren­der unab­hän­gi­ger Anbie­ter von inno­va­ti­ven B2B- und B2B2C-Logis­­tik-Lösun­­gen für Unter­neh­men. Staci verfügt über ein einzig­ar­ti­ges Know-how im Manage­ment komple­xer und skalier­ba­rer Logis­ti­k­ab­läufe, wie z.B. im Umgang mit einer Viel­zahl von Liefe­ran­ten und Liefer­stel­len, klei­nen Stück­zah­len, Sonder­for­ma­ten sowie Produk­ten mit und ohne Barcode. Insbe­son­dere hat sich das Unter­neh­men eine starke Exper­tise in der Logis­tik von Werbung und Promo­ti­ons­me­dien aufgebaut.

Staci beschäf­tigt rund 1.900 Mitar­bei­ter und erwirt­schaf­tete 2018 einen Umsatz von mehr als 250 Millio­nen Euro. Das Unter­neh­men betreibt 25 Lager in Bene­lux, Frank­reich, Deutsch­land, Italien, Spanien und Großbritannien.

Staci has a leading posi­tion in its market niche, based on a model of pooling its warehou­ses and resour­ces and its port­fo­lio of services, which are all built around a proprie­tary IT system. Staci is present throug­hout Europe with a wide spec­trum of clients ranging from multi­na­tio­nal groups to local compa­nies across seve­ral sectors, inclu­ding food, health and cosme­tics, tele­coms and finan­cial services. Staci has about 1,900 employees and gene­ra­ted more than 250 million euros in turno­ver in 2018.

Thomas Mortier, CEO of Staci, said: “Staci employees are deligh­ted to open this new page in the company’s history with Ardian. The manage­ment team has reinves­ted very signi­fi­cantly in the busi­ness and we share the same values and vision with the Ardian team with regards to Staci’s deve­lo­p­ment stra­tegy in France and abroad. I would like to thank our employees, part­ners and share­hol­ders for their commit­ment, support and profes­sio­na­lism, which every day contri­bute to the quality of the services we provide to our customers.“

Lise Faucon­nier, Mana­ging Direc­tor, and Alex­andre Vannelle, Direc­tor at Ardian Buyout, said: “We are proud to invest in Staci to acce­le­rate the next phase of its deve­lo­p­ment and to support Thomas Mortier and his team. The high quality of the rela­ti­onships estab­lished, and their strong growth reflect the company’s excel­lence. Along­side the manage­ment team, we will conti­nue to deve­lop Staci and conso­li­date its presence in key geogra­phi­cal areas through stra­te­gic acqui­si­ti­ons, in a market that is still very fragmented.“

Jean-Marie Laurent Josi, CEO, and Charles-Henri Chaliac, Member of the Execu­tive Commit­tee of Cobepa, said: “We are deligh­ted to have been able to support Thomas Mortier and his team in the execu­tion of a truly trans­for­ma­tive stra­te­gic plan for the Staci Group, which has been able to both streng­then its posi­tion in its local market, while fulfil­ling its inter­na­tio­nal ambi­ti­ons and simul­ta­neously streng­thening links with its main custo­mers. The Group’s unique know-how, coupled with its strong poten­tial for orga­nic and acqui­si­tive growth, enables it to move smoothly into its new deve­lo­p­ment phase with the support of Ardian.”

Staci is the fifth invest­ment of Ardian’s Buyout team in 2019. With 49 employees in Paris, Frank­furt, Milan and London, the team invests in high-quality mid- and large-cap compa­nies across Western Europe, apply­ing trans­for­ma­tion stra­te­gies that enable them to become world leaders in their niche markets.

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