Foto: Comatch wurde 2014 von den McKinsey Alumni Dr. Christoph Hardt and Dr. Jan Schächtele (re.) gegründet

Exit für Acton Capital: Malt übernimmt Freelancer-Plattform COMATCH

Foto: Comatch wurde 2014 von den McKin­sey Alumni Dr. Chris­toph Hardt and Dr. Jan Schäch­tele (re.) gegründet
31. März 2022

Paris/Berlin — Europe’s biggest free­lan­cer market­place Malt, has acqui­red COMATCH, the cura­ted market­place for inde­pen­dent manage­ment consul­tants and indus­try experts, to rein­force its Euro­pean leader­ship on the free­lan­cing market. The acqui­si­tion extends Malt’s commu­nity of high-skil­­led free­lan­cers to busi­ness consul­tants and takes Malt closer to reaching €1bn busi­ness volume by 2024. With a free­lan­cing market valued at €355bn, Malt projects to become the undis­pu­ted leader and the prefer­red part­ner for compa­nies seeking exter­nal resour­ces in Europe.

Foun­ded in 2014 by McKin­sey alumni Dr. Chris­toph Hardt and Dr. Jan Schäch­tele and backed by Acton Capi­tal since 2016, Comatch has estab­lished Europe’s leading market­place for top free­lance manage­ment consul­tants and indus­try experts with clients ranging from start­ups to large corpo­ra­tes. Since its launch, Comatch has built a strong commu­nity of more than 15,000 top inde­pen­dent manage­ment consul­tants and indus­try experts and has grown across nine markets with 130 full-time employees in Berlin, Paris and London.

Home to a commu­nity of 340,000 free­lan­cers, the largest in Europe, Malt will now be on its way to offer Europe’s most compre­hen­sive network of high-skil­­led free­lan­cers and manage­ment consul­tants, making Malt the ideal part­ner for all busi­ness acti­vi­ties. As a result, clients will now bene­fit from a market­place with the best subject-matter specia­lists on hand to solve busi­ness chal­lenges from stra­tegy to execu­tion. Combi­ned, the two compa­nies work with 80% of the CAC-40 and DAX-40 compa­nies and toge­ther will build the largest Euro­pean client network with more than 1,000 enterprises.

Fueled by digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion and the incre­asing need to fill speci­fic roles, both compa­nies have witnessed a sharp uptake in client demand for inde­pen­dent resour­ces. The acqui­si­tion sends a strong signal of Malt’s place in the ecosys­tem at a time of tremen­dous growth in the Euro­pean free­lance market, curr­ently valued at 355 billion euros.

United over a shared vision of the future of work, one in which ever­yone has the power to choose how and whom they work with, Malt and Comatch will focus their efforts on market-facing syner­gies to broa­den the offe­rings for their clients and their commu­nity of highly-skil­­led free­lan­cers. The growth of the combi­ned company will be supported by the hiring of 150 new employees, brin­ging the total count to 600 by the end of 2022. The exten­sion of services also means that dedi­ca­ted teams will now work across eleven regi­ons and count­ries, inclu­ding Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Middle East and North Africa, the Nether­lands, Nordics, Spain, Switz­er­land and the UK.

Vincent Huguet, Malt CEO: “Comatch is a cham­pion in the field of busi­ness consul­ting market­places. As a fellow company that shares Malt’s “commu­nity first” approach, placing our talents at the core of the product and busi­ness to our vision for the future of work, we are eager and exci­ted to bring our two worlds of high-skil­­led free­lan­cers together.”

Chris­toph Hardt, Comatch Co-Foun­­der and Mana­ging Direc­tor: “We believe in a future where tech­no­logy and busi­ness consul­ting conti­nue to grow closer toge­ther. Malt is Europe’s leading market­place espe­ci­ally for digi­tal free­lance talents while Comatch is the largest Euro­pean consul­ting market­place. We are very exci­ted to jointly build Europe’s undis­pu­ted leading market­place where orga­niza­ti­ons can find the best inde­pen­dent profes­sio­nals for any possi­ble project.”

About Malt
Foun­ded in 2013 by Vincent Huguet (CEO) and Hugo Lassiège (CTO), with Alex­andre Fretti as Mana­ging Direc­tor in Paris, Malt is a Euro­pean market­place where more than 340,000 free­lance consul­tants put their skills and exper­tise at the service of compa­nies looking for exter­nal talents to acce­le­rate their projects. It alre­ady has more than 30,000 clients, inclu­ding 36 CAC 40 compa­nies. With 300 employees (50% women and men), Malt is present in France, Spain, Belgium, the Nether­lands, and Germany.

Comatch is Europe’s leading market­place for top free­lance manage­ment consul­tants and indus­try experts. Comatch combi­nes perso­nal service and inno­va­tive tech­no­logy to quickly and flexi­bly find the best experts for allbusi­ness chal­lenges. Compa­nies of all sizes and indus­tries – from start-ups to corpo­ra­ti­ons – use the support to achieve sustainable project success. The cura­ted Comatch network includes more than 15,000consultants from over 120 count­ries. Comatch was foun­ded in 2014 by McKin­sey alumni Dr. Chris­toph Hardt and Dr. Jan Schäch­tele and employs over 130 people in Berlin, Paris and London.

About Acton Capital
Acton Capi­tal is a leading growth venture capi­tal inves­tor in Europe. Since 1999, the Acton team supports digi­tal start­ups in the fields of B2B/SaaS, Health­Care, FinTech or Future of Work on their way to market leader­ship. Acton Capi­tal invests world­wide with strong focus on Europe and North America. With two deca­des of invest­ment expe­ri­ence and a deep under­stan­ding of tech-enab­­led models, the team has inves­ted over EUR 700 million across five fund gene­ra­ti­ons in +100 compa­nies, inclu­ding unicorns like Alpha­Sights, Clio, Etsy, Home­ToGo or Mambu.

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