Foto: Storytel ist ein großer audiobook and e-book streaming service und bietet auch eine App an

EQT Public Value wird größter Shareholder bei Storytel

Foto: Story­tel ist ein großer audio­book and e‑book strea­ming service und bietet auch eine App an
8. Septem­ber 2021

Stock­holm — EQT is plea­sed to announce that EQT Public Value (“EQT Public Value”) has acqui­red 6.6 million shares in Story­tel AB (“Story­tel” or “the Company”), repre­sen­ting an owner­ship of close to 10 percent of shares outstan­ding. Joakim Rubin, Part­ner within EQT Public Value Advi­sory Team, is nomi­na­ted to join the board of direc­tors, subject to appr­oval of an extra­or­di­nary gene­ral meeting.

Story­tel, listed on Nasdaq First North has a strong track record of orga­nic and inor­ga­nic growth in the large and fast-growing audio­book market. Story­tel is one of the world’s largest subscri­bed audio­book and e‑book strea­ming services and offers listening and reading of more than 700,000 titles on a global scale. The Company’s vision is to make the world a more empa­the­tic and crea­tive place with great stories to be shared and enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, and anytime. Storytel’s strea­ming busi­ness is conduc­ted under the brands Story­tel and Mofibo. Storytel’s publi­shing busi­ness area is carried out through the audio­book publisher Story­Side and acclai­med Nordic publi­shing houses such as Norstedts, People’s and Gumme­rus. Story­tel opera­tes in 25 markets around the globe and is head­quar­te­red in Stock­holm, Sweden.

EQT Public Value seeks to iden­tify mino­rity invest­ments in public compa­nies with market leading posi­ti­ons, strong manage­ment teams and signi­fi­cant poten­tial for top-line and earnings growth. Through share­hol­der enga­ge­ment, EQT Public Value aims to work closely with exis­ting share­hol­ders, boards, and manage­ment teams in order to allow that compa­nies reach their full poten­tial and deli­ver share­hol­der value. In addi­tion to Story­tel, EQT Public Value has previously disc­lo­sed posi­ti­ons in Secu­ri­tas, BHG Group, Store­brand, Biogaia, and AFRY.

The EQT Public Value advi­sory team looks forward, pending the Extra­or­di­nary Gene­ral Meeting, to working toge­ther with share­hol­ders, board, and manage­ment on the next phase of Storytel’s growth journey.

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