
9T Labs: 3,9 Mio. Euro für all-in-one solution für carbon 3D-Druck

29. Januar 2020

Zürich — Das Startup 9T Labs aus Zürich setzt auf 3D-Druck aus Carbon und bietet Nach­rüst-Sets für handels­üb­li­che 3D-Drucker, um diesen Drucke aus Carbon zu ermög­li­chen. Das Unter­neh­men hat jetzt eine Finan­zie­rung über 3,9 Millio­nen Euro erhal­ten. An der Runde betei­lig­ten sich neben Altin­ves­tor Wing­man Ventures auch neue Geld­ge­ber, etwa die Schwei­zer VCs Inves­tiere und Tech­no­logy Fund. Unter­stützt wird 9T Labs auch von der Euro­päi­schen Raum­fahrt­or­ga­ni­sa­tion Esa.

All-in-one solu­tion for carbon fiber 3D printing
A spin-off of ETH Zürich, Switz­er­land, 9T Labs was co-foun­­ded by Ches­ter Houwink, Giovanni Cavo­lina and Martin Eichen­ho­fer in 2018. The company’s mission state­ment is to make “carbon fiber compo­site mate­ri­als as acces­si­ble as ordi­nary metal mate­ri­als” through 3D prin­ting. 9T Labs aims to achieve this goal by provi­ding an inte­gra­ted work­flow for produ­cing carbon fiber compo­site parts. Included in this work­flow is an all-in-one solu­tion of soft­ware, 3D prin­ting tech­no­logy, and post-proces­­sing capabilities.

Curr­ently, in deve­lo­p­ment, 9T Labs’ tech­no­logy includes its Fibrify soft­ware, which allows users to moni­tor their 3D prin­ting acti­vity and opti­mize fiber place­ment accor­ding to the load case. The company is also deve­lo­ping its 3D prin­ter for carbon fiber compo­site produc­tion, known as the Red Series. It compri­ses two units: an FDM 3D prin­ter, equip­ped with a paten­ted prin­thead for conti­nuous carbon fiber produc­tion, and a system for post-proces­­sing, named the Fusion Unit. With its 3D prin­ting tech­no­logy, 9T Labs claims that uses can produce carbon fiber parts with less than two percent void content, and up to sixty percent volu­metric carbon compo­site content.

9T Labs has also deve­lo­ped what is known as the Carbon­Kit. An add-on for FDM 3D prin­ters, the Carbon­Kit is made up of a carbon fiber PA12 spool, mate­rial box and prin­thead with dual extru­sion, provi­ding exis­ting machi­nes with carbon fiber 3D prin­ting capa­bi­li­ties. Thanks to its tech­no­logy, 3D Prin­ting Indus­try listed 9T Labs as one of the 3D prin­ting start­ups to watch at the MUST 3D Prin­ting event in 2018. In 2019, 9T Labs was also short­lis­ted for Startup of the Year at the 3D Prin­ting Indus­try Awards. (Quelle:

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