
S‑UBG Aachen invests in cutting technology supplier SATO

9. April 2019

Aachen/Mönchengladbach — S‑UBG Aachen invests from its SME fund S‑UBG AG in the manu­fac­tu­rer of cutting systems SATO GmbH from Mönchen­glad­bach. The holding company of the regio­nal savings banks thus holds one third of the shares in SATO GmbH, while the remai­ning shares are held equally by Mana­ging Direc­tor Holger Kerkow and Frank Heesen. Both had taken over the group of compa­nies after the depar­ture of the company’s foun­der Anton Hubert in May 2017.

The two succes­sors have expan­ded the work­force again to around 50 employees and have alre­ady imple­men­ted various product inno­va­tions. “With the growth capi­tal from S‑UBG, we would like to acce­le­rate the further growth of SATO GmbH,” says Kerkow. “Through the succes­sors in manage­ment and the expan­sion that has taken place so far, SATO is solidly posi­tio­ned. Our two co-part­­ners bring the neces­sary exper­tise to further drive the posi­tive deve­lo­p­ment of the company,” says Harald Heide­mann, CEO of the S‑UBG Group.

Indi­vi­dual system solu­ti­ons for special machine construction
SATO GmbH deve­lops and manu­fac­tures system solu­ti­ons for flame and water­jet cutting systems, espe­ci­ally with plasma, oxyfuel as well as laser cutting tech­no­logy. Depen­ding on the mate­rial and the customer’s appli­ca­tion, SATO designs the system indi­vi­du­ally and is thus in the field of special machine cons­truc­tion. The modu­lar design and a solid stock of requi­red compon­ents nevert­hel­ess enable fast deli­very times. Custo­mers include inter­na­tio­nal mecha­ni­cal and plant engi­nee­ring groups.

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