Oppenhoff advises Finatem on hGears IPO
Frankfurt a. Main — Oppenhoff advised the private equity house Finatem on the IPO of its portfolio company hGears AG. The manufacturer of function-critical high-precision transmission parts and components with a focus on e‑cars and e‑bikes is aiming to use the proceeds from the issue of around €62 million to further drive organic growth in the E‑Mobility business unit.
The first day of trading on the Regulated Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange was May 21, 2021.
The Oppenhoff team, led by Dr. Gabriele Fontane, Foto (M&A / Private Equity), included Dr. Gunnar Knorr (Tax), Anne Vins-Niethammer and Mara Rogier (both Corporate). Gabriele Fontane was also elected to the Supervisory Board of hGears.
Oppenhoff first advised Finatem on their recent investment in the Food & Service Group, Mülheim. Gabriele Fontane had already supported Finatem in the acquisition of hGears and in the IPO of Derby Cycle.
About Oppenhoff
The full-service law firm Oppenhoff finds industry-specific solutions for groups, large owner-managed companies and financial investors. More than 85 attorneys advise on all major areas of business and tax law. Clients include Ford, Körber, Trumpf, the Reimann entrepreneurial family (JAB) and Zurich Insurance.