
Herter & Co. advises Lindsay Goldberg on acquisition of Coveris Rigid Group

5. Septem­ber 2018

Berlin — Herter & Co. advi­ses the private equity firm Lind­say Gold­berg LLC on the finan­cing of the acqui­si­tion of the 
Cove­ris Rigid Group
(“Cove­ris Rigid”), a leading produ­cer of pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons espe­ci­ally for the food industry.

Under the coor­di­na­tion of Herter & Co., a senior second lien finan­cing package of € 437 million was achie­ved, which was provi­ded and syndi­ca­ted through under­wri­ting by book­run­ners and MLA Barclays, HSBC, Morgan Stan­ley and UniCre­dit.

Herter & Co. acted as sole debt advi­sor to Lind­say Gold­berg in this transaction.

Cove­ris Rigid is a leading Euro­pean produ­cer of rigid pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons for the food and perso­nal & home care sectors. The company has 15 produc­tion sites in Europe and one in the USA and counts almost all major food manu­fac­tu­r­ers among its customers.

About Lind­say Goldberg
Lind­say Gold­berg LLC mana­ges equity of more than US-$ 13 billion and is repre­sen­ted in Europe by Lind­say Gold­berg Vogel GmbH, Düssel­dorf. The company supports high-growth medium-sized compa­nies with expert advice and substan­tial finan­cial resour­ces, parti­cu­larly in imple­men­ting an inter­na­tio­nal growth strategy.

About Herter & Co.
Herter & Co. accom­pa­nies compa­nies in the bank-inde­­pen­­dent selec­tion of the opti­mal finan­cing instru­ments, in the orga­niza­tion of the process, the selec­tion of the finan­ciers and the nego­tia­tion of the commer­cial loan condi­ti­ons up to the disbur­se­ment. In this respect, Herter & Co.’s clients bene­fit from the team’s many years of expe­ri­ence, close networ­king with the finan­cing market, good know­ledge of all finan­cing banks and rele­vant decis­­ion-makers, and up-to-date under­stan­ding of the constantly chan­ging market situa­tion and opportunities.

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