
Exit: Lindsay Goldberg sells VDM Metals Group to Acerinox

13. Novem­ber 2019

Hamburg/ Berlin — Flick Gocke Schaum­burg advi­sed private equity inves­tor Lind­say Gold­berg on the sale of VDM Metals Holding GmbH to Acerinox, S.A.. The closing of the tran­sac­tion is still subject to the usual appr­oval by the anti­trust authorities.

With more than 1,900 employees, VDM Metals produ­ces nickel and nickel alloys, cobalt, zirco­nium and special stain­less steel, as well as semi-finis­hed alumi­num and copper products. In fiscal 2018/2019 the company achie­ved a sales volume of €1.1 billion and sold 43,000 tons of semi-finis­hed products and metals. The Werdohl-based company was part of Thyssenkrupp’s stain­less steel divi­sion until it was sold to Lind­say Gold­berg in 2015.

Acerinox, S.A., a listed company, is one of the world’s leading steel compa­nies. In 2018, Acerinox, S.A., with its appro­xi­m­ately 6,700 employees, produ­ced a produc­tion volume of more than 2.4 million tons of steel and gene­ra­ted EBITDA of 480 million euros on sales of more than 5 billion euros.

Lind­say Gold­berg is a U.S. private equity fund with appro­xi­m­ately $13 billion in fund size focu­sed on part­ne­ring with family offices, foun­ders and manage­ment teams looking to actively grow their busi­nesses. Lind­say Gold­berg is repre­sen­ted in Europe by Lind­say Gold­berg Vogel GmbH, Düsseldorf.

Advi­sor Lind­say Gold­berg: Flick Gocke Schaum­burg (Hamburg)
Dr. Fred Wendt, Chris­tian Zimmer­mann (both lead), Dr. Yorck Frese (all Corporate/ M&A); Dr. Chris­tian Pitzal (Tax Law); Dr. Tobias Nießen, Dr. Andreas Wirtz (both Labor Law, Bonn); Dr. Michael Wies­b­rock, Dr. Phil­ipp Schweit­zer (both Real Estate, Frankfurt)

About Flick Gocke Schaumburg
Flick Gocke Schaum­burg has more than 320 profes­sio­nals in Berlin, Bonn, Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt, Hamburg, Munich, Stutt­gart and Zurich, advi­sing corpo­rate groups and family busi­nesses, private clients, NPOs and the public sector on tax law, corpo­rate and commer­cial law, audi­ting and busi­ness valuation.

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