
Exit: AFINUM sells Sinnex to Groupe Mériguet

Cate­gory: Private Equity
10. May 2019

Munich — AFINUM Fünfte Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH & Co KG, advi­sed by AFINUM Manage­ment GmbH, has sold its stake in Sinnex Group to the French Groupe Méri­guet, a leading provi­der of reno­va­tion services for high-end real estate and luxury properties.

Sinnex ( is a company specia­li­zing in the highest quality inte­rior finis­hes for luxury yachts, private resi­den­ces as well as private aircraft. The main focus of the busi­ness is luxury yachts for private owners, espe­ci­ally super luxury yachts with a length of more than 40 meters. AFINUM took over the majo­rity of the shares from the foun­ders in April 2010 and arran­ged their entre­pre­neu­rial succes­sion in the period there­af­ter. During the holding period, the company’s perfor­mance more than doubled and today Sinnex is one of the top suppli­ers in this segment.

Within the Méri­guet Group, Sinnex is also expec­ted to contri­bute his profes­sio­nal skills to projects outside his tradi­tio­nal areas, parti­cu­larly in the resi­den­tial sector. Sinnex opera­tes a plant in Griffen/Austria for produc­tion purpo­ses and has an effi­ci­ent network of supplier opera­ti­ons, espe­ci­ally in Southe­as­tern Europe.

AFINUM is an inde­pen­dent mana­ge­­ment-owned invest­ment company with offices in Munich, Zurich and Hong Kong, specia­li­zing in invest­ments in successful medium-sized compa­nies in German-spea­king Europe. Photo: Dr. Thomas Bühler, Part­ner and Dr. Gernot Eisin­ger, Part­ner (left)

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