
Triton and ADIA complete the acquisition of IFCO

5. June 2019

Frank­furt a. M. — Funds advi­sed by Triton (“Triton”) and Luxinva, a wholly owned subsi­diary of the Abu Dhabi Invest­ment Autho­rity (“ADIA”), have successfully comple­ted the acqui­si­tion of 100% of IFCO from Austra­lian Secu­ri­ties Exch­ange listed Brambles Limi­ted. Triton and ADIA have equal stakes in the investment.

IFCO is the world’s leading provi­der of reusable pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons for fresh food, serving custo­mers in more than 50 count­ries. IFCO has a global pool of more than 290 million reusable plas­tic contai­ners (RPCs) used for more than 1.3 billion ship­ments of fresh fruits and vege­ta­bles, meat, poul­try, seafood, eggs, bread and other items each year. (Photo: © Triton).

About ADIA
Foun­ded in 1976, ADIA is a globally diver­si­fied invest­ment insti­tu­tion that invests on behalf of the Govern­ment of Abu Dhabi as part of a stra­tegy focu­sed on long-term value crea­tion. ADIA has been inves­t­ing in private equity since 1989 and has built a signi­fi­cant in-house team of specia­lists with expe­ri­ence in asset products, geogra­phies and sectors. Through its exten­sive rela­ti­onships across the indus­try, Private Equi­ties invests in private equity and credit products globally, often along­side exter­nal part­ners, and in extern­ally mana­ged primary and secon­dary funds.

The company’s philo­so­phy is to build long-term, colla­bo­ra­tive rela­ti­onships with its part­ners and manage­ment teams to maxi­mize value and support the imple­men­ta­tion of agreed strategies.

About Triton
Since its foun­ding in 1997, Triton has laun­ched nine funds and focu­sed on compa­nies in the indus­trial, services, consu­mer goods and health­care sectors. The Triton funds invest in medium-sized compa­nies based in Europe and support their posi­tive deve­lo­p­ment. Triton’s goal is to successfully deve­lop its port­fo­lio compa­nies in the long term by working toge­ther as part­ners. Triton and its manage­ment strive to gene­rate posi­tive change and growth through the sustainable impro­ve­ment of opera­tio­nal proces­ses and structures.

Curr­ently, Triton’s port­fo­lio includes 38 compa­nies with total sales of around EUR 14.9 billion and appro­xi­m­ately 72,000 employees.For further infor­ma­tion, please visit:

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