Photo: f. l. t. r.: Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann

Strüngmann brothers invest 25 million euros in Munich start-ups

Photo: f. l. t. r.: Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann
13. Octo­ber 2021

Munich — Great news for the Munich start-up scene: Unter­neh­mer­TUM and the TUM Venture Labs will be supported by the entre­pre­neur brot­hers Andreas and Thomas Strüng­mann with 25 million euros over the next 10 years. This funding will give Europe’s largest start-up and inno­va­tion center at the Tech­ni­cal Univer­sity of Munich and the new TUM Venture Labs a major inter­na­tio­nal boost.

“Unter­neh­mer­TUM and TUM have built an outstan­ding start-up ecosys­tem over the last twenty years. With our commit­ment, our family would like to make a contri­bu­tion to accom­pany even more students as well as scien­tists on a successful entre­pre­neu­rial path,” say Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann.
The two entre­pre­neurs are known as successful inves­tors, having inves­ted early on in the now globally renow­ned biotech­no­logy company BioNTech and in the gene­rics manu­fac­tu­rer Hexal.

Direct rese­arch transfer

The TUM Venture Labs initia­ted by TUM and Unter­neh­mer­TUM offer an inter­na­tio­nally outstan­ding funding infra­struc­ture for one speci­fic tech­no­logy field each. They are speci­fi­cally focu­sed on signi­fi­cant tech­no­logy fields and create dyna­mic ecosys­tems of start-ups, acade­mia, inves­tors and expe­ri­en­ced companies.

The inte­gra­tive colla­bo­ra­tion of the indi­vi­dual TUM Venture Labs enables inno­va­tion to emerge at the inter­faces between tech­no­logy fields, distin­gu­is­hing them from simi­lar start-up initia­ti­ves at other top entre­pre­neu­rial univer­si­ties worldwide.
Around 100 high-poten­­tial startup teams are alre­ady under the care of Venture Labs, bene­fiting from tail­o­red support services, incu­ba­tion space, trai­ning and ventu­ring programs, and access to global networks of compa­nies and inves­tors to prepare their startups.

A mile­stone for the inno­va­tion metro­po­lis of Munich

Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, Presi­dent of the Tech­ni­cal Univer­sity of Munich, sees the coope­ra­tion as “another mile­stone in Munich’s deve­lo­p­ment into the leading tech­no­logy inno­va­tion center in Europe. I am confi­dent that other part­ners from busi­ness, science and poli­tics will join our initia­tive to use the TUM Venture Labs to spawn entire fami­lies of start-ups from the foun­ding state of Bava­ria that are inter­na­tio­nally compe­ti­tive with rese­­arch-based deep-tech applications.”

“The unique selling point of Munich’s inno­va­tion and startup scene is the pooling of forces between univer­si­ties, start­ups, the public sector, estab­lished compa­nies and entre­pre­neu­rial fami­lies,” says Prof. Helmut Schö­nen­ber­ger, foun­der and CEO of Unter­neh­mer­TUM and Vice Presi­dent Entre­pre­neur­ship at TUM. “The Strüng­mann family’s commit­ment to Unter­neh­mer­TUM and TUM Venture Labs is a wonderful exam­ple of the spirit of coope­ra­tion at Munich’s inno­va­tion and start-up location.”

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