
Software company Jedox receives 20 million euros

11. April 2018

Colo­gne — The venture capi­tal company Iris Capi­tal (photo: part­ners of Iris Capi­tal (from left): Antoine Garri­gues, Erkan Kili­cas­lan, Erik) invests in the soft­ware company Jedox. Iris Capi­tal was advi­sed by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek on its invest­ment in the enter­prise perfor­mance manage­ment company Jedox AG. A consor­tium consis­ting of Iris Capi­tal, eCAPI­TAL IV and Wecken & Cieinves­ted 20 million euros in the soft­ware company. Jedox is using the funding to drive inter­na­tio­nal growth and acce­le­rate product development.

Iris Capi­tal is a Euro­pean venture capi­tal firm specia­li­zing in the digi­tal economy. It invests in compa­nies at various stages of growth, from start­ups to late-stage and growth play­ers. Iris Capi­tal has offices in Paris, Berlin, San Fran­cisco, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and Dubai. The Iris­Next fund’s invest­ments include ReBuy, Studi­temps, Talend or Unu Motors.

Jedox was foun­ded in 2002 in Frei­burg, Germany. Today, the company employs more than 160 people at eight loca­ti­ons in Germany, France, the USA, Austra­lia and Asia. Jedox’s inte­gra­ted CPM plat­form is used by 2,300 compa­nies in 140 count­ries for their real-time plan­ning solu­ti­ons on the web, mobile or in the cloud.

Dr. aus der Fünten regu­larly advi­ses Iris Capi­tal, most recently on the €21 million invest­ment in Open-Xchange AG.

Advi­sor to Iris Capi­tal: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Dr. Jörg aus der Fünten (Corpo­rate Law/M&A), Project Manage­ment, Cologne
Dr. Oliver Bött­cher (Corpo­rate Law), Cologne
Dr. Dirk Stolz (IP Law), Cologne
Dr. Lutz M. Keppe­ler (IP Law), Cologne
Dr. Sascha Sche­wiola (Labor Law), Cologne
Beatrice Stange, LL.M. (anti­trust law), Düsseldorf

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