
Reed Smith advises Aussafer Due on majority stake in Hailtec

3. April 2024

Munich — Inter­na­tio­nal law firm Reed Smith, led by corpo­rate part­ner Constan­tin Conrads, has advi­sed Aussa­fer Due Srl (Aussa­fer Due), an Italian high-tech metal proces­sing company, on the acqui­si­tion of a majo­rity stake in the German company Hail­tec toge­ther with Cappelli RCCD. Aussa­fer Due is a port­fo­lio company of 21 Invest, an Italian private equity inves­tor foun­ded by Ales­san­dro Benetton.

Aussa­fer Due, based in Italy, is an inter­na­tio­nal leader in metal­wor­king with high-tech proces­ses. The company has been in the port­fo­lio of the Euro­pean invest­ment group 21 Invest since Decem­ber 2020.

This tran­sac­tion is a funda­men­tal mile­stone for the project led by 21 Invest. It streng­thens the direct presence in Germany, the largest Euro­pean market, and brings the group to a total turno­ver of over 100 million euros (with a growing share abroad, curr­ently around 30%) and a total of almost 500 employees.

Hail­tec, which was foun­ded near Stutt­gart and is mana­ged by the young entre­pre­neur Alex­an­der Renz, will repre­sent considera­ble added value for the Group thanks to its specia­liza­tion in various market niches such as elec­tro­nics, e‑mobility, micro-precis­­ion mecha­nics and medi­cal tech­no­logy, e.g. the deve­lo­p­ment of pros­the­ses made from special mate­ri­als such as titanium.

Alex­an­der Renz will remain a share­hol­der of the company and head of the Group’s German divi­sion after the takeover.

The Reed Smith team advi­sing Aussa­fer Due on all German legal aspects of the tran­sac­tion, inclu­ding tax, real estate, employ­ment, anti­trust, intellec­tual property and tech­no­logy, was led by Munich corpo­rate part­ner Constan­tin Conrads (photo © Reed Smith). He was supported by part­ners Dr. Martin Bünning, Dr. Michaela Westrup, Dr. Etienne Richt­ham­mer, Dr. René Loch­mann and Dr. Andreas Splitt­ger­ber, as well as asso­cia­tes Katrin Gerce­ker, Max von Döhren, Chris­tian Schnur­rer, Sylvia Rein­hart, Florian Schwind and Phil­ipp Bergmann.

Aussa­fer was also supported in legal and corpo­rate law matters by Cappelli RCCD, in finan­cial, tax and busi­ness due dili­gence by KPMG and by goetz­part­ners as finan­cial advisor.

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