Photo: Jan Poerschmann, founding partner of Proventis Partners in Munich

Proventis Partners advises DC-Software on sale to FRILO Software

Photo: Jan Poer­schmann, foun­ding part­ner of Proven­tis Part­ners in Munich
11. April 2022

Munich — The share­hol­ders of DC-Soft­­ware Doster & Christ­mann GmbH have sold 100% of their shares in the company to FRILO Soft­ware GmbH, Stutt­gart, part of the Nemet­schek Group, Munich. The Munich-based company has been deve­lo­ping special soft­ware solu­ti­ons for foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring since 1989. With the acqui­si­tion, FRILO stra­te­gi­cally expands its product port­fo­lio in the foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring & foun­da­ti­ons segment and thus streng­thens its posi­tion as a leading provi­der of struc­tu­ral analy­sis programs.

With more than 30 programs, the DC soft­ware covers a compre­hen­sive range of digi­tal basic cons­truc­tion solu­ti­ons. The offer of the soft­ware company is divi­ded into two parts of the basic struc­ture. Users employ the programs of the DC Soil Mecha­nics segment for subsoil inves­ti­ga­ti­ons, soil and conta­mi­na­ted site inves­ti­ga­ti­ons, and the visua­liza­tion of geother­mal bore­holes and geother­mal probes. The program group DC Foun­da­tion Engi­nee­ring, on the other hand, compri­ses soft­ware solu­ti­ons for geotech­ni­cal calcu­la­ti­ons, foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring as well as ground­wa­ter draw­down and infiltration.

Since its foun­da­tion in 1989, DC-Soft­­ware has deve­lo­ped into a sustain­ably growing and profi­ta­ble company. With the acqui­si­tion of the company, which is well estab­lished on the DACH market, FRILO is expan­ding its port­fo­lio in the foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring & foun­da­ti­ons segment in a trend-setting way. “We are extre­mely plea­sed to have gained many years of exper­tise in soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment in the specia­li­zed field of foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring for our custo­mers with DC Soft­ware,” said Markus Gallen­ber­ger, Mana­ging Direc­tor of FRILO. “Due to the increase in our foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring solu­ti­ons, our custo­mers bene­fit from an enorm­ous solu­tion port­fo­lio that FRILO provi­des for day-to-day busi­ness. The consis­t­ently growing and bene­fi­cial product port­fo­lio always makes the diffe­rence for our customers.”

“We attach great importance to ensu­ring conti­nuity for custo­mers and employees with the take­over. I am convin­ced that FRILO and the Nemet­schek Group provide the appro­priate condi­ti­ons for this,” says Dr.-Ing. Armin Doster, co-foun­­der of DC-Soft­­ware. “In addi­tion, we expect this step to enable us to profi­ta­bly use the strong syner­gies between the two compa­nies and to bene­fit from new impulses.”

The role of Proven­tis Partners
Proven­tis Part­ners acted as exclu­sive M&A advi­sor to the share­hol­ders of DC-Soft­­ware Doster & Christ­mann GmbH in the prepa­ra­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of the tran­sac­tion. In addi­tion to the imple­men­ta­tion of a struc­tu­red sales process, the consul­ting services included the prepa­ra­tion of marke­ting and tran­sac­tion docu­ments, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and approa­ching of poten­tial inves­tors inclu­ding manage­ment presen­ta­ti­ons as well as support in the due dili­gence and nego­tia­tion of the tran­sac­tion. The tran­sac­tion team of Proven­tis Part­ners was Jan Pörsch­mann (Part­ner, Munich), and Maxi­mi­lian Gluchow­ski (Asso­ciate, Munich).

About DC-Soft­­ware Doster & Christ­mann GmbH

DC-Soft­­ware, based in Munich, Germany, has been deve­lo­ping and distri­bu­ting soft­ware in the fields of foun­da­tion engi­nee­ring and soil mecha­nics since 1989 and can draw on more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence in these areas. By support­ing multi­ple languages as well as the stan­dards of diffe­rent count­ries, DC soft­ware programs can be used inter­na­tio­nally. DC soft­ware is used in over 50,000 program licen­ses by more than 3000 custo­mers in over 80 count­ries on all conti­nents. For more infor­ma­tion, visit


FRILO has been offe­ring powerful and user-friendly soft­ware solu­ti­ons for struc­tu­ral calcu­la­ti­ons for over 40 years and has become a leading provi­der in this field on the German market with almost 200 calcu­la­tion programs. FRILO’s soft­ware engi­neers attach great importance to recon­ci­ling intui­tive opera­tion with easily compre­hen­si­ble and relia­ble results. With its claim to deve­lop products orien­ted to the BIM concept, FRILO is also paving the way for networked buil­ding plan­ning in which coope­ra­tion with other disci­pli­nes is more effi­ci­ent. Since 1999, FRILO, head­quar­te­red in Stutt­gart, has been inte­gra­ted into the Nemet­schek Group as an inde­pen­dent brand. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

About Proven­tis Partners
Proven­tis Part­ners is a part­­ner-led M&A advi­sory firm whose clients include a majo­rity of mid-sized family busi­nesses, corpo­rate subsi­dia­ries and private equity funds. With more than 30 M&A advi­sors, Proven­tis Part­ners is one of the largest inde­pen­dent M&A consul­tancies in the German-spea­king region and looks back on more than 20 years of M&A expe­ri­ence and well over 300 comple­ted tran­sac­tions. The M&A consul­tants with offices in Düssel­dorf, Hamburg, Munich and Zurich are active in the sectors Indus­tri­als & Chemi­cals, Busi­ness Services, Consu­mer & Retail, TMT, Health­Care and Energy & Sustaina­bi­lity.

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