Photo: Herbert Seggewiß has been a partner at PINOVA since September 2015

PINOVA Capital’s participation in ECOROLL

Photo: Herbert Segge­wiß has been a part­ner at PINOVA since Septem­ber 2015
4. Febru­ary 2021

Munich/ Celle — Funds advi­sed by PINOVA Capi­tal GmbH (“PINOVA”) have acqui­red the majo­rity shares in ECOROLL AG Werk­zeug­tech­nik (“ECOROLL”), based in Celle, Lower Saxony, in Janu­ary 2021.

ECOROLL is a leading supplier of tools and machi­nes for mecha­ni­cal surface finis­hing of metal­lic work­pie­ces. The product port­fo­lio compri­ses mainly indi­vi­du­ally desi­gned tools and machi­nes for burnis­hing, deep rolling and cylin­der tube proces­sing. In close coope­ra­tion with custo­mers from various indus­tries, solu­ti­ons are thus crea­ted that guaran­tee high-quality compo­nent surfaces, an increase in compo­nent service life and a more effi­ci­ent produc­tion process.

“PINOVA has entre­pre­neu­rial roots and the tech­ni­cal exper­tise to sustain­ably drive the growth of medium-sized inno­va­tion leaders,” says Dr. Kars­ten Rött­ger, a long-time board member and share­hol­der, who is signi­fi­cantly expan­ding his exis­ting mino­rity stake in ECOROLL as part of the transaction.

“Dr. Rött­ger has posi­tio­ned ECOROLL as a market leader in the mecha­ni­cal surface treat­ment segment and has thus embarked on a sustainable growth path. Toge­ther with Dr. Rött­ger, we want to conti­nue to drive growth in part­ner­ship and in doing so further deve­lop ECOROLL into an inter­na­tio­nally active full-service provi­der for mecha­ni­cal surface finis­hing . We expect tail­wind from the incre­asing market demand for light­weight, dura­ble and thus sustainable metal compon­ents,” explains Herbert Segge­wiß, part­ner at PINOVA Capi­tal. Herbert Segge­wiß will also repre­sent PINOVA on the Super­vi­sory Board of ECOROLL in the future.

About ECOROLL AG Werkzeugtechnik

ECOROLL curr­ently employs 85 people and produ­ces exclu­si­vely at its head­quar­ters in Celle, Lower Saxony. In addi­tion, the company has a sales office in Cincin­nati, USA. Since 1996, ECOROLL has been distri­bu­ting tools and machi­nes for burnis­hing (roller burnis­hing), deep rolling and cylin­der tube machi­ning. Today, ECOROLL serves a global port­fo­lio of custo­mers and was awarded the Bosch Global Supplier Award in the “Inno­va­tion” cate­gory in 2019.

About PINOVA Capital

PINOVA Capi­tal is an inde­pen­dent invest­ment company for equity finan­cing of fast-growing, inno­va­tive medium-sized compa­nies in the German-spea­king region with reve­nues between € 10 million and € 75 million and equity requi­re­ments between € 5 million and € 50 million.

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