
Perusa Fund invests in the MÜPRO Group

Cate­gory: Private Equity
30. Janu­ary 2018

Munich / Wallau / Burg­bern­heim — The fund Perusa Part­ners Fund II L.P., advi­sed by the inde­pen­dent Perusa GmbH, toge­ther with other insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors, acqui­red the Swiss Secura Indus­trie­be­tei­li­gun­gen AG inclu­ding the MÜPRO Group and UBB GmbH as of Janu­ary 23, 2018.

MÜPRO is a leading global provi­der of fastening, noise control and fire protec­tion solu­ti­ons with conso­li­da­ted sales of around EUR 95 million. Its fastening solu­ti­ons are used in buil­dings, commer­cial proper­ties and indus­trial plants, espe­ci­ally in the assem­bly of heating, air condi­tio­ning and venti­la­tion tech­no­logy, as well as in the mari­time sector for marine equip­ment and various indus­trial appli­ca­ti­ons. The aim of the acqui­si­tion is to accom­pany the long-term inter­na­tio­nal growth of the group and to focus MÜPRO on its core compe­ten­cies — deve­lo­p­ment, consul­ting and project support.

The previous company owner, Harald Müller, as well as part of the former Secura manage­ment will focus on buil­ding digi­tal products and services for medium-sized busi­nesses with the newly foun­ded SYMBIONET AG as of Febru­ary 2018. SYMBIONET’s areas of exper­tise are sales soft­ware and plat­form solu­ti­ons, auto­ma­ted logi­stics services as well as online trading and marke­ting services. The foun­da­tion for the new busi­ness model has alre­ady been laid in recent years as part of the digi­tiza­tion process at the Secura Group.

Dr. Chris­tian Hollen­berg (photo), foun­ding part­ner of Perusa, explains, “MÜPRO has an impres­sive history as a leading supplier in this market. In the future, the company will focus enti­rely on its core compe­ten­cies in engi­nee­ring, consul­ting, project support, and the deve­lo­p­ment and produc­tion of high-quality fastening tech­no­logy.” Harald Müller elabo­ra­tes: “The tran­sac­tion provi­des MÜPRO with addi­tio­nal resour­ces to imple­ment its stra­tegy in the long term. Both groups — MÜPRO and SYMBIONET — can now conti­nue to grow profi­ta­bly in the future based on their diffe­rent busi­ness models.”

The buyer Perusa Part­ners Fund II L.P. and its co-inves­­tors were advi­sed in the tran­sac­tion by KPMG (Commer­cial), Deloitte (Finan­cial, Tax), Gütt Olk Feld­haus (Legal), Valleé & Part­ner (Logi­stics) and TÜV Süd (Envi­ron­men­tal). Network Corpo­rate Finance struc­tu­red and raised the acqui­si­tion finan­cing as debt advisor.

Secura Indus­trie­be­tei­li­gun­gen AG and the seller were advi­sed in the tran­sac­tion by ZETRA Inter­na­tio­nal, Zurich (Exclu­sive M&A Advi­sor), Froriep Legal, Zurich (Legal), Luther Rechts­an­wälte, Frank­furt (Legal), and Tax Part­ner, Zurich (Tax).

About Perusa
Perusa GmbH is an inde­pen­dent consul­ting company that curr­ently advi­ses two funds with €350 million in equity capi­tal and, on a case-by-case basis, co-inves­­tors on invest­ments in medium-sized compa­nies and group busi­nesses from German-spea­king or Scan­di­na­vian countries.

With conso­li­da­ted sales of around EUR 95 million, MÜPRO is one of the leading suppli­ers of fastening and sound insu­la­tion tech­no­logy for buil­dings and ships. Its products can be found in single-family and multi-family homes as well as in large-scale struc­tu­ral projects, in indus­trial plants and on ships. The company, which has been in busi­ness since 1964, has its own sales offices in 14 count­ries as well as sales part­ners in 40 other markets and also masters special areas of fastening tech­no­logy such as clean room and tunnel, preven­tive struc­tu­ral fire protec­tion, fire-tested fastening or fastening for heavy loads.

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