Photo: Dr. Nikolaus von Jacobs, Partner at Reed Smith in Munich and Co-Chair pemacom

PE and M&A Community: pemacom conference on September 24

Cate­gory: People and Private Equity
Photo: Dr. Niko­laus von Jacobs, Part­ner at Reed Smith in Munich and Co-Chair pemacom
5. Septem­ber 2024

Munich — The global law firm Reed Smith, toge­ther with Deal­Cir­cle as main spon­sors, invi­tes you to the inter­na­tio­nal confe­rence pema­com for private equity specia­lists and M&A experts on Septem­ber 24, 2024 in Munich.
Since 2010, the annual pema­com confe­rence has taken place in Munich during the Okto­ber­fest and has conti­nuously expan­ded the range of topics into a private equity and M&A platform.
The event sees itself as a “networ­king place-to-be” to exch­ange views on current deve­lo­p­ments in the markets, economy and stra­tegy. Prof. Dr. Gregor Kirch­hof, LL.M. from the Univer­sity of Augs­burg will open this year’s pema­com with a keynote speech on “Para­digm Lost? — About the Euro­pean Path in a New World”. Dr. Niko­laus von Jacobs (photo © Reed­S­mith) and Chris­tian von Sydow, both private equity and M&A experts and Partner/Senior Coun­sel at Reed Smith, will intro­duce the event.
“With this event, we are brin­ging toge­ther top-class discus­sion part­ners and experts from inter­na­tio­nal private equity funds with leading German compa­nies and inter­na­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons and consul­ting firms, thus crea­ting a unique oppor­tu­nity for networ­king and direct exch­ange on the current private equity and M&A chal­lenges in the market,” says Dr. Niko­laus von Jacobs, Part­ner at Reed Smith in Munich and Co-Chair pemacom.
The over­ar­ching theme against the back­drop of the impact of the US elec­tions is to take stock of the private equity land­scape in the current market.
Cross-border tran­sac­tions to and from the US and within Europe are a topic of this year’s confe­rence, along­side special sector panels on topics inclu­ding ESG stan­dards, the role of family offices, sector exper­tise for healthcare/life scien­ces and digi­tal busi­ness models, a look at mid-market tran­sac­tions and deve­lo­p­ments in the areas of AI and digi­ta­liza­tion, finan­cing and private funds.
Chris­tian von Sydow, Senior Coun­sel at Reed Smith and Co-Chair of pema­com: “It may come as a surprise that the current tran­sac­tion data shows that the market is gaining stabi­lity. It will be inte­res­t­ing to see what impact, if any, the US elec­tion will have on take­over acti­vity. To explore this, our panels in the various sectors will provide an in-depth snapshot of the market and the expec­ta­ti­ons of market participants.”
All further infor­ma­tion on the pema­com event on 24.9.2024 at the Baye­ri­scher Hof in Munich and the current program can be found on the website

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