Photo: Max Kneissl, Partner / Digital Strategy at OMMAX

OMMAX advises AURELIUS on sale of connexta

Photo: Max Kneissl, Part­ner / Digi­tal Stra­tegy at OMMAX
6. Decem­ber 2023

Munich — AURELIUS Wachs­tums­ka­pi­tal has sold the IT services group connexta to the finan­cial inves­tor Frem­man Capi­tal, marking a further mile­stone in the port­fo­lio of the busi­ness services consul­tancy. Aure­lius was advi­sed on this tran­sac­tion by OMMAX.

In a favorable market envi­ron­ment supported by incre­asing IT comple­xity, growing cyber­se­cu­rity thre­ats and a trend towards outsour­cing, connexta has built a signi­fi­cant posi­tion in the German market by effec­tively combi­ning local presence and deep specia­liza­tion in areas such as cloud, cyber­se­cu­rity and busi­ness appli­ca­ti­ons. In this way, connexta has become a “one-stop store” for its thou­sands of customers.

On its path of inor­ga­nic growth, the buy-and-build plat­form has successfully comple­ted nine acqui­si­ti­ons in recent years and offers its port­fo­lio compa­nies an ever-growing range of Group bene­fits that streng­then their sales, deli­very and person­nel quality. Supported by a sophisti­ca­ted M&A process and a dedi­ca­ted team, the plat­form is well posi­tio­ned to conti­nue and acce­le­rate this path in the future.

Jens Stief, CEO of connexta, on the VDD support provi­ded by OMMAX: “We greatly appre­cia­ted the thorough report­ing and in-depth analy­sis that OMMAX brought to the process. The team’s support enab­led us to effec­tively deve­lop connexta’s equity story, which we will drive forward in the future. OMMAX’s exper­tise, from tran­sac­tion consul­ting to digi­tal imple­men­ta­tion, has proven to be very valuable in this partnership.”

Max Kneissl, Part­ner at OMMAX, commen­ted: “We would like to thank AURELIUS , connexta and TCG for their effec­tive colla­bo­ra­tion in this commer­cial VDD process, which repres­ents a remar­kable deal in the Euro­pean IT services land­scape. With their clear posi­tio­ning, relent­less pursuit of opera­tio­nal excel­lence and expe­ri­en­ced leader­ship, we see a strong deve­lo­p­ment path for the connexta group. “MAX KNEISSL

The OMMAX team conduc­ted a compre­hen­sive due dili­gence review of the vendor, focu­sing on key areas such as market and compe­ti­tive dyna­mics, custo­mer perfor­mance, group inte­gra­tion and busi­ness plan assess­ment. This holi­stic approach high­ligh­ted the innate robust quali­ties that the Group, with a turno­ver of over € 100 million, has built up for support­ing medium-sized compa­nies on the German market.

About the AURELIUS Group

AURELIUS is a globally active alter­na­tive invest­ment group that is widely reco­gni­zed for its opera­tio­nal approach. AURELIUS focu­ses on private equity, private debt and real estate. The most important invest­ment plat­forms are the AURELIUS Euro­pean Oppor­tu­ni­ties Fund IV and the listed AURELIUS Equity Oppor­tu­ni­ties SE & Co. KGaA. — The AURELIUS Group has grown stron­gly in recent years and today gene­ra­tes reve­nues of EUR 11 billion and employs more than 300 people at 10 loca­ti­ons in Europe and North America. AURELIUS is a reco­gni­zed specia­list for complex invest­ments with opera­tio­nal impro­ve­ment poten­tial, such as corpo­rate carve-outs, plat­form build-ups or succes­sion solu­ti­ons, as well as for specia­li­zed finan­cing solutions.

With more than 260 tran­sac­tions comple­ted to date, AURELIUS has a strong track record of deli­ve­ring supe­rior returns to its inves­tors through its flexi­ble approach, uncom­pro­mi­sing focus on opera­tio­nal excel­lence, ability to execute multi-dimen­­sio­nal tran­sac­tions, prudent risk manage­ment and long-term invest­ment philosophy.

We believe that anyone can become a digi­tal market leader.

We are a fast-growing digi­tal stra­tegy consul­tancy specia­li­zing in tran­sac­tion advi­sory, stra­tegy and end-to-end execu­tion of digi­tal initia­ti­ves. Our vision is to build digi­tal leaders globally to drive inno­va­tion and acce­le­rate digi­tal growth and profi­ta­bi­lity. Over the last 12 years, we have execu­ted more than 300 M&A tran­sac­tions with a tran­sac­tion value of more than EUR 18 billion and more than 2,000 inter­na­tio­nal value crea­tion projects across various indus­tries for leading private equity firms in the areas of busi­ness stra­tegy, digi­tal opera­tio­nal excel­lence, advan­ced data stra­tegy, analy­tics, tech­no­logy and auto­ma­tion. As a pioneer in holi­stic data-driven stra­tegy consul­ting and end-to-end imple­men­ta­tion, we are the leading consul­ting firm in the global private equity space, deve­lo­ping and imple­men­ting best-in-class digi­tal stra­te­gies and value creation.

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