
NRW.BANK supports electromobility and air pollution control

4. Septem­ber 2018

Düssel­dorf — For better air in North Rhine-West­­pha­­lian cities, NRW.BANK is opti­mi­zing its promo­tion offer: Compa­nies can curr­ently save up to one percent inte­rest on the purchase of elec­tric cars and muni­ci­pa­li­ties can invest inte­­rest-free in cons­truc­tion measu­res that bene­fit air pollu­tion control.

“By adap­ting our deve­lo­p­ment programs, we are crea­ting an addi­tio­nal incen­tive to invest in air pollu­tion control in North Rhine-West­­pha­­lia, thus support­ing the state in achie­ving its envi­ron­men­tal goals,” says Eckhard Forst, Chair­man of the Mana­ging Board of NRW.BANK.

Thanks to an addi­tio­nal inte­rest subs­idy from NRW.BANK, the inte­rest rate in the NRW.BANK.Electromobility program for compa­nies now starts at zero percent. This makes the loan up to one percent chea­per than other econo­mic deve­lo­p­ment programs. With the product adjus­t­ment, the mini­mum loan amount was also redu­ced to 10,000 euros and the group of appli­cants was expan­ded: from now on, non-profit compa­nies can also take advan­tage of the loan in addi­tion to free­lan­cers, medium-sized and muni­ci­pal companies.

“We want to make North Rhine-West­­pha­­lia the leading fede­ral state in the field of elec­tro­mo­bi­lity and make it easier for people to opt for clean vehic­les,” says NRW Econo­mics and Inno­va­tion Minis­ter Andreas Pink­wart. “With the program adjus­t­ments, we are proac­tively promo­ting new regis­tra­ti­ons of elec­tric cars. That’s how we’re getting elec­tro­mo­bi­lity on the road.”

In addi­tion, NRW.BANK also has an offer for muni­ci­pa­li­ties to avoid driving bans in North Rhine-West­­pha­­lian cities: A special funding option for muni­ci­pal air pollu­tion control measu­res has been embedded in the NRW.BANK.Kommunal Invest program. Muni­ci­pa­li­ties can use it, for exam­ple, to invest in vehic­les without combus­tion engi­nes and to finance urban deve­lo­p­ment measu­res that bene­fit air pollu­tion control. The inte­rest rate is curr­ently also zero percent.ät

NRW.BANK is the deve­lo­p­ment bank for North Rhine-West­­pha­­lia. It supports its owner, the state of NRW, in its struc­tu­ral and econo­mic policy tasks. In its three promo­tion fields “Economy”, “Housing” and “Infrastructure/Municipalities”, NRW.BANK uses a broad range of promo­tion instru­ments: from low-inte­­rest deve­lo­p­ment loans to equity finan­cing and advi­sory services. It works toge­ther with all banks and savings banks in NRW on a compe­­ti­­tion-neutral basis. In its promo­tion acti­vi­ties, NRW.BANK also takes into account exis­ting offers from the fede­ral govern­ment, the state and the Euro­pean Union.

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