
New financing round for Silicon Line with participation of Unixtar

19. Septem­ber 2018

Munich/ Limburg/ — Sili­con LineGmbH succeeds in a further finan­cing round with a volume of seve­ral million euros. In addi­tion to the exis­ting inves­tors Munich Venture Part­ners Fund II GmbH & Co KG, Capital‑E NV, Capital‑E II Arkiv Comm.V.A, Limburgse Recon­ver­sie Maats­ch­ap­pij NV, Unix­tar Tech­no­lo­gies Inc. also acqui­red a new stake in Sili­con Line GmbH as part of the finan­cing round.

Sili­con Line is a global leader in inno­va­tive ultra-low power opti­cal link tech­no­logy that enables thin, light­weight and long high-speed cables for the mobile and consu­mer elec­tro­nics markets. Foun­ded in 2005 as an analog IC design house, Sili­con Line quickly deve­lo­ped proven exper­tise in ultra-low-power, analog and mixed-signal design. Sili­con Line has since sold over 1.4 billion units.

Advi­sor Sili­con Line GmbH: GÖRG Part­ner­schaft von Rechts­an­wäl­ten mbB
Dr. Bernt Paudtke, Part­ner, Dr. Chris­tian Glauer, Asso­ciate Part­ner, Tobias Reichen­ber­ger, Asso­ciate (all M&A/Corporate, Munich)

Advi­sors Limburgse Recon­ver­sie Maats­ch­ap­pij NV: Osborne Clarke LLP
Dr. Benja­min Monheim, Sarah-Julia Nießen, Enno Dreier

Advi­sor to Unix­tar Tech­no­lo­gies Inc.: KPMG Law Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH
Dr. Daniel Kaut, Part­ner, Dr. Chris­tian Hensel, Senior Mana­ger (Lead), Denise Kühn-Rittirsch, Asso­ciate (all M&A / Corpo­rate, Nuremberg)

About Munich Venture Partners
Munich Venture Part­ners is a clean­tech venture capi­tal specia­list based in Munich. Munich Venture Part­ners focu­ses on venture capi­tal for high-tech start-up compa­nies with growth-orien­­ted and reve­­nue-gene­ra­­ting products. The commit­ment is focu­sed on Europe and selec­ted inter­na­tio­nal invest­ments. Munich Ventures Part­ners supports foun­ders and entre­pre­neurs in solving entre­pre­neu­rial chal­lenges and is a valuable advi­sor and cont­act in all phases of development.

About Capital‑E and Capital‑E II
Capital‑E provi­des early-stage capi­tal to compa­nies deve­lo­ping unique selling propo­si­ti­ons based on elec­tro­nics or advan­ced mate­ri­als. By working closely with IMEC, the largest inde­pen­dent rese­arch center for micro- and nanoelec­tro­nics in Europe, Capital‑E and its compa­nies can directly access the support of more than 2,000 scien­tists and engi­neers, as well as IMEC’s more than 500 global part­ners, to cost-effec­­tively promote the use of highly inno­va­tive products.

About Limburgse Recon­ver­sie Maats­ch­ap­pij NV (LRM)
LRM is an invest­ment company that deve­lops and stimu­la­tes econo­mic growth in Limburg. We provide a solid foun­da­tion so that compa­nies and projects that create jobs in Limburg can grow. LRM invests in compa­nies and projects that gene­rate econo­mic acti­vity in Limburg and thus contri­bute to the sustainable main­ten­ance and growth of employ­ment in Limburg.

About Unix­tar
Foun­ded in 1986, Unix­tar is a modern elec­tro­nics company with multi­ple loca­ti­ons in China and Cambo­dia. The company manu­fac­tures a wide range of cables and cable assem­blies, consu­mer elec­tro­nics products, elec­tro­me­cha­ni­cal assem­blies, prin­ted circuit boards and active fiber optic cables for custo­mers around the world. Unix­tar has 4,500 employees and reve­nues of $130 million.

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