Photo: Juliane Hahn, Founding Partner & M.D. of Signature Venture

Nevermined receives 3 million euros to facilitate Web3 development

Photo: Juliane Hahn, Foun­ding Part­ner & M.D. of Signa­ture Venture
13. July 2022

Zug (Switz­er­land) — Never­mi­ned AG, a Web3 company provi­ding tools for reading, writing and owning digi­tal assets, announ­ced its first invest­ment round of €3 million, led by Signa­ture Ventures and Poly­mor­phic Capi­tal. The Never­mi­ned plat­form consists of modu­lar solu­ti­ons that make it easy for users to create and mone­tize digi­tal assets and parti­ci­pate in the read-write-own vision of Web3.

The plat­form provi­des the foun­da­ti­ons for buil­ding digi­tal ecosys­tems with compon­ents such as Toke­niza­tion Engine, Market­place Crea­tor, Royal­ties Engine, Decen­tra­li­zed Access Control, DAO Frame­work and DISC, or Data In-Situ Compu­ta­tion, for remote computation.

Don Gossen, CEO of Never­mi­ned, explains, “The best Inter­net is the one that ever­yone can access and own. And that is what Never­mi­ned enables people to do. When it comes to data rela­ted to Web3, our pedi­gree speaks for itself — our team has been working with cutting-edge tech­no­logy for over 20 years, first in Big Data and now in Web3. With these buil­ding blocks, we can help you realize your vision. I would argue that we are the best team in the world doing what we do.”

Accor­ding to a new report by Grand View Rese­arch, the global block­chain tech­no­logy market is expec­ted to reach $1,431 billion by 2030. Given this market oppor­tu­nity and its solid, proven tech­no­logy, Never­mi­ned will use this capi­tal increase to:

Become more complete and scalable by driving its product road­map: Never­mi­ned will enhance its digi­tal asset deve­lo­p­ment plat­form that makes the Web3 acces­si­ble by stream­li­ning the crea­tion, mone­tiza­tion and manage­ment of distri­bu­ted digi­tal assets. Key projects include:
● Company: A global energy company used the plat­form to estab­lish a peer-to-peer market­place for trading carbon credits.
● Crea­tive: Auto­no­mies uses Never­mi­ned to build a music NFT plat­form and DAO that enables a more equi­ta­ble distri­bu­tion of value between musi­ci­ans, labels, and collectors.
● Science: In a world first, Vita­DAO used Never­mi­ned to toke­nize the intellec­tual property of scien­ti­fic rese­arch conduc­ted by the Schei­­bye-Knud­­sen Lab in Copenhagen.

Improve acces­si­bi­lity by acce­le­ra­ting global presence: To drive busi­ness growth and a better custo­mer expe­ri­ence, Never­mi­ned will streng­then its presence in key areas such as product, engi­nee­ring, marke­ting and community.

Easier to use by expan­ding the breadth and depth of the part­ner ecosys­tem: Never­mi­ned will form both tech­ni­cal and crea­tive part­ner­ships to support its mission. In addi­tion to deepe­ning part­ner­ships with initia­ti­ves like Auto­no­mies, an NFT music plat­form that enables artists to become participants.

We only invest in outstan­ding teams that are the back­bone of the decen­tra­li­zed future,” said Signa­ture CEO Juliane Hahn. “We see a lot of start­ups trying to combine data with block­chains. Never­mi­ned is the first company to under­stand the comple­xity and provide concrete solu­ti­ons at the inter­sec­tion of data and Web3. In the future, every data-driven company will need the ability to trans­form its data silos into data ecosys­tems. Never­mi­ned provi­des the complete product stack to do just that.”

“We are very impres­sed with the Never­mi­ned team,” says Vitaly Spassky, foun­der of Poly­mor­phic Capi­tal. “They have both the vision and the tech­ni­cal talent and pedi­gree to make it happen. For us, digi­tal assets are a criti­cal buil­ding block for the decen­tra­li­zed web. And the Never­mi­ned plat­form makes it super easy for teams and projects to inte­grate Web3 tech­no­logy. We’re very exci­ted to see what people will build with Nevermined.”

Never­mi­ned star­ted as an incu­ba­tion project within Keyko AG to solve problems rela­ted to data sharing through toke­niza­tion and smart contract gate­ways. From there, it evol­ved from a data-centric solu­tion to a decen­tra­li­zed digi­tal asset solu­tion with much broa­der applicability.

About Never­mi­ned

Never­mi­ned is a Web3 company that provi­des tools to read, write and own your digi­tal assets. It was foun­ded by CEO Don Gossen, CTO Aitor Argo­ma­niz and CIO Dimi­tri De Jonghe. They met while foun­ding Ocean Proto­col, the world’s first decen­tra­li­zed data market­place. In 2019, they foun­ded Keyko out of a shared belief in the power of digi­tal ecosys­tems. They helped a variety of orga­niza­ti­ons deve­lop Web3 ecosys­tems that are coll­ec­tively valued at $3 billion. In 2022, they deci­ded to spin off Never­mi­ned as a stan­da­lone tech­no­logy platform.


About Signa­ture Ventures

Signa­ture Ventures is an early-stage venture capi­tal fund that invests in block­chain, distri­bu­ted ledger tech­no­logy, and Web3 tech­no­logy. The fund is based in Germany and invests in pre-seed to Series A, globally with a focus on Europe. Signa­ture Ventures is led by Juliane Hahn, Foun­ding Part­ner, and Dr. Georg Stri­cker, Tech Part­ner. They combine an exten­sive track record in VC invest­ments with deep block­chain expertise.

About Poly­mor­phic Capital

Poly­mor­phic Capi­tal is a venture capi­tal firm that invests globally in teams shaping the future of the Inter­net with decen­tra­li­zed proto­cols and digi­tal assets. The company specia­li­zes in infra­struc­ture, finance and gaming.

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