Deutsche Mittelstandsberatung DTMB GmbH
Phone: +49–211-86 32 05 — 20 | Contact: Dr Ralf Tieke · ralf.tieke@dt-mb.de
Industry Focus
Automotive, chemical industry, financial services, advisory services, retail, crafts, information technology, consumer goods, engineering and plant construction, food industry, other manufacturing industries, logistics, public organizations
Transaction size
€ 5 m – € 300 m
Reference Deals
10 deals p.a.
Deutsche Mittelstandsberatung DTMB GmbH is a management consultancy for SMEs and family businesses. Our aim is to significantly and sustainably increase the performance of the companies we advise. The success of our clients and confidentiality are the top priority of our consulting activities. All consultants have many years of professional experience in consulting firms and in line functions in medium-sized companies.
(1) Strategy, (2) financial and organisational restructuring, (3) business plans (incl. financial planning) (4) valuation (determination of company value, data room, due diligence), (5) negotiations and conclusion of the contract, (6) postmerger integration.