Lennertz & Co acquires BPE Fund Investors from Andreas Odefey
Hamburg — The Hamburg-based family office Lennertz & Co. integrates the established German fund of funds company for U.S. technology funds, BPE Fund Investors from Hamburg. Since 2001, the management of BPE Fund Investors around Dr. Andreas Odefey, Aman Miran Khan and Arne Fiederling continuously cultivated the network and exclusive access to “top addresses” among US technology funds. German institutional investors as well as wealthy private investors have since subscribed to shares in three funds of funds that invested venture capital in pioneering fund addresses for venture capital in the USA, such as Bain Capital Ventures, Canaan Partners, Khosla Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, NEA or TCV. In this way, investors were already involved at a very early stage in companies such as Beyond Meat, Facebook, FitBit, Netflix, Square, Twitter, Tesla or Workday and were able to profit accordingly from the disproportionate increases in value of these companies.
“BPE Fund Investors has meticulously built an extremely viable German investment bridge out of Hamburg to the attractive venture capital market in the US. We are pleased to continue the existing funds of funds of BPE Fund Investors under Lennertz & Co.”, says Philipp Lennertz, Managing Partner of the Hamburg-based family office Lennertz & Co. “Disruptive technologies are financed especially in the US and continue to promise high growth potential for example in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Digital Health and Precision Medicine as well as Connectivity and Consumer Behavior”, says Dr. Odefey of BPE Fund Investors. “As a successor solution for our fund of funds business, we are convinced that the Hamburg-based family office will, in the long term, further tap the great potential of the U.S. venture capital industry for German investors, as seen by BPE Fund Investors,” said Dr. Andreas Odefey of BPE Fund Investors.
Arne Fiederling joins the team of Lennertz & Co. as Managing Director of BPE Fund Investors. He will both ensure continuity in the management of BPE’s existing funds and work together with a competent team at Lennertz & Co. on the further development of the fund of funds concept. Like Arne Fiederling, the team members at Lennertz & Co. also look back on many years of venture capital and private equity experience and have worked for Bain Capital, BC Partners, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey and Swift Capital, among others.
“With the integration of BPE Fund Investors, we have succeeded in specifically expanding our already existing platform for “alternative investments” for our clients,” says Philipp Lennertz (photo). Accordingly, the Family Office created the Lennertz & Co. US Venture and Growth Fund I for its clients a few weeks ago. The portfolio of this fund of funds shall consist of at least 70% U.S. early stage and growth capital funds. In addition, a maximum of 30% of the fund volume is to be allocated to direct and co-investments. In addition, it is characterized by strong diversification through the selection of several funds, resulting in participation in more than 100 portfolio companies. The product’s target funds include well-known names such as Andreessen Horowitz, FirstMark, Insight Partners, Kleiner Perkins and NEA.
In addition to being able to invest in the major U.S. venture capital funds, clients can also take exposures to European venture capital funds. In addition, clients can participate in Lennertz & Co.’s Family Equity Fund, which provides direct and indirect investments in German and European small- and mid-cap companies. The platform is completed by the possibility to make pre-IPO investments. In the recent past, Lennertz & Co. invested for its clients in companies such as Pinterest, Airbnb, 23andMe and Meituan.
About Lennertz & Co.
Lennertz & Co. is an owner-managed family office with a clear focus on the further development and value enhancement of its clients’ assets. For this purpose, their individual family, business and asset situation is considered in detail and on an ongoing basis, taking into account the legally and fiscally relevant framework conditions. — The investment recommendations are in line with the clients’ personal preferences. They benefit from the independence of Lennertz & Co., for example in the assessment of global investment opportunities, their selection and their discreet implementation.
As an entrepreneurial multi family office, Lennertz & Co. shares its clients’ demand for fast, profound and secure decisions. In order to thoroughly examine the opportunities that arise in the private equity segment for its clients, Lennertz & Co. has a competent team at its disposal that can look back on decades of private equity experience. In addition, the advisory board consists of renowned industry and private equity experts such as Prof. Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Wucherer, Stefan Theis, Daniel Milleg and Florian Heinemann.