
Korte Etiketten becomes part of the Chinese MAXIM Group

30. June 2020

Schwelm/ Düsseldorf/ Shang­hai — The owner of Klaus Korte GmbH & Co KG (“Korte”), a Schwelm-based produ­cer and supplier of high-quality labels and brand iden­ti­fi­ca­tion solu­ti­ons (photo) has sold to the Chinese Maxim Label and Pack­a­ging Group (“Maxim”) of Shang­hai. Klaus Korte GmbH & Co KG was advi­sed on the tran­sac­tion by Mayland AG.

Since 1962, Korte has been produ­cing the highest quality origi­nal woven and prin­ted labels at compe­ti­tive prices. In doing so, Korte works in a parti­cu­larly indi­vi­dua­li­zed manner and can custo­mize the mate­rial, shape, colors as well as brand iden­ti­fi­ca­tion solu­ti­ons to meet custo­mer requi­re­ments. The merger with Maxim now enables Korte to expand its previous focus on the German market inter­na­tio­nally, espe­ci­ally to the Asian region, and to comple­ment its range of brand iden­ti­fi­ca­tion solu­ti­ons with RFID solu­ti­ons, among other things.

Maxim Label and Pack­a­ging Group sees itself as a one-stop shop provi­ding brand iden­tity protec­tion and infor­ma­tion tech­no­logy solu­ti­ons to retail­ers and major brands. The product port­fo­lio includes RFID solu­ti­ons, price tags, ther­mal trans­fer labels, hang tags, care labels, adhe­si­ves and pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons. With the acqui­si­tion of Korte, Maxim intends to expand its produc­tion capa­ci­ties around the globe while conti­nuing to secure Korte’s posi­tion as one of the indus­try leaders in this segment. The main goal of Maxim is to quickly and easily adapt to chan­ging global requi­re­ments while syste­ma­tiz­ing them.

MAYLAND remains your relia­ble and profes­sio­nal M&A advi­sor even in these diffi­cult Corona times. We help you not to passi­vely endure the serious chan­ges, but to actively shape them. M&A can secure and streng­then the future of compa­nies in such times of crisis. In addi­tion to secu­ring the exis­tence of the company and jobs, (family) assets of the share­hol­ders can also be secu­red. In addi­tion, unique invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties often arise in times of crisis, and MAYLAND’s long expe­ri­ence through various econo­mic and capi­tal market cycles means it is ideally posi­tio­ned to take advan­tage of them.

MAYLAND is an inde­pen­dent, owner-mana­­ged M&A consul­tancy based in Düssel­dorf. Since its foun­da­tion in 1998, MAYLAND has been deve­lo­ping indi­vi­dual solu­ti­ons for the purchase and sale of compa­nies or parts of compa­nies. MAYLAND also arran­ges the finan­cing or restruc­tu­ring that may be neces­sary or requi­red for these tran­sac­tions. MAYLAND provi­des struc­tu­red process manage­ment for these natio­nal and cross-border projects and coor­di­na­tes all services for a successful comple­tion of the tran­sac­tion. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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