
Itziar Estevez Latasa is a new partner at Iris Capital

Cate­gory: People
15. Octo­ber 2019

Berlin — Iris Capi­tal, one of Europe’s leading venture capi­tal firms, brings Itziar Este­vez Latasa (photo) on board as a part­ner. Based in Munich, she will be respon­si­ble for late-stage invest­ments in the DACH region.

Itziar Este­vez Latasa brings over ten years of VC expe­ri­ence and specia­li­zes in late stage and growth capi­tal invest­ments. Its focus here is prima­rily on invest­ments in the areas of B2B soft­ware, data analy­tics, cyber secu­rity and Indus­try 4.0.

Most recently, she spent ten years as a venture inves­tor at Next47 and Siemens Venture Capi­tal. Her previous invest­ments and port­fo­lio respon­si­bi­li­ties include Black Duck (acqui­red by Synop­sys), Brain­cube, Pola­rion (acqui­red by Siemens), Wurld­tech (acqui­red by GE), Ence­lium (acqui­red by OSRAM).

Prior to that, Itziar Este­vez Latasa worked at The Boston Consul­ting Group as a consul­tant specia­li­zing in private equity and energy projects and in project manage­ment at BMW.

Iris Capital’s Germany team is led by Curt Gunsen­hei­mer, Mana­ging Part­ner: “We are very happy and proud to welcome Itziar as our new late-stage part­ner. Her expe­ri­ence in indus­trial and corpo­rate envi­ron­ments toge­ther with her exper­tise in tech inves­t­ing will be a great addi­tion to our team in Berlin. We see her as a key figure in iden­ti­fy­ing emer­ging German compa­nies and unicorns.”

About Iris Capital
Iris Capi­tal is a Euro­pean venture capi­tal firm specia­li­zing in the digi­tal economy. Iris Capi­tal invests in compa­nies at various stages of growth, from start­ups to late stage and growth play­ers. Due to its parti­cu­lar specia­liza­tion in indi­vi­dual indus­tries and over 30 years of expe­ri­ence, as well as the support of its corpo­rate spon­sors, Iris Capi­tal actively accom­pa­nies the compa­nies in its own port­fo­lio. Iris Capi­tal has offices in Paris, Berlin, San Fran­cisco, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and Dubai.

Iris­Next is a fund of Iris Capi­tal, backed as inves­tors by leading compa­nies such as Orange, Publi­cis, Valeo and Bridge­stone, as well as finan­cial inves­tors and insti­tu­ti­ons such as Bpifrance and BRED Banque Popu­laire. Its holdings include Adjust, Careem, Happy­Car, Kyriba, Open-Xchange, Mojio, reBuy, Scality, Searchme­trics, Shift Tech­no­logy, Studi­temps, Talend, Talon.One and Unu Motors.

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