Photo: The Coinpanion founding team f.l.t.r.: Alexander Valtingojer (CEO), Matthias Zandanel (CTO), Saad J. Wohlgenannt (CMO), Aaron Penn (Lead Developer)

HTGF: € 1.8 million for crypto investment start-up Coinpanion

Photo: The Coin­pa­n­ion foun­ding team f.l.t.r.: Alex­an­der Valtin­gojer (CEO), Matthias Zanda­nel (CTO), Saad J. Wohl­ge­nannt (CMO), Aaron Penn (Lead Developer)
31. August 2021

Vienna — A seed funding round of €1.8 million for crypto invest­ment start-up Coin­pa­n­ion by High-Tech Grün­der­fonds, co-foun­­ders of Scalable Capi­tal and CLARK. Coin­pa­n­ion allows anyone, without any prior know­ledge, to profit from the cryp­to­cur­rency market in an auto­ma­ted way. In doing so, the startup takes care of ever­y­thing from simple market entry to auto­ma­ted cryp­to­cur­rency manage­ment. After just under a year, Coin­pa­n­ion alre­ady mana­ges seve­ral million euros for its custo­mers and is now recei­ving 1.8 million euros in seed invest­ment from well-known inves­tors from Germany and Austria.

The lead inves­tor in the round is the German High-Tech Grün­der­fonds (HTGF), one of the most active venture capi­tal funds on the Euro­pean market. In addi­tion, Patrick Pöschl, co-foun­­der of Munich-based robo-advi­­sor Scalable Capi­tal, which is now rated as a unicorn (over €1 billion valua­tion), and Chris­to­pher Oster, CEO of insu­rance mana­ger CLARK, are inves­t­ing. Also on board are Florian Gschwandt­ner, foun­der of the fitness app Runta­stic and Austria’s proba­bly best-known start-up inves­tor Johann Hans­mann, who has accom­pa­nied Austria’s biggest start-up exits (inclu­ding Runta­stic, Shpock, mySugr) and lead inves­tor of the pre-seed round Frank Wester­mann, co-foun­­der of the diabe­tes app mySugr.

Bitcoin and Ethe­reum have been the talk of the town for some time now, while many still don’t really know what to make of terms like Card­ano, Chain­link or EOS. This is exactly where Coin­pa­n­ion comes in.

“Our goal is to simplify access to the cryp­to­cur­rency market for the gene­ral public. We are thril­led that we were able to convince some of the most successful entre­pre­neurs and inves­tors in Germany and Austria of our vision. And the Coin­pa­n­ion foun­ding team has big plans: The 1.8 million euros in capi­tal are to be used prima­rily for further growth. We want to further expand our strong user growth. We also plan to grow from 18 to 50 employees within a year,” explains Alex­an­der Valtin­gojer, co-foun­­der and CEO of Coinpanion

“With Coin­pa­n­ion, a startup is finally demo­cra­tiz­ing the opaque cryp­to­cur­rency market. Now really anyone can become a crypto inves­tor without any prior know­ledge,” said Kilian von Berli­chin­gen, invest­ment mana­ger at High-Tech Gründerfonds

Coin­pa­n­ion makes cryp­to­cur­rency inves­t­ing easy

Coin­pa­n­ion provi­des an easy and safe entry into the complex world of cryp­to­cur­ren­cies. Users can choose from diffe­rent smart port­fo­lios with diffe­rent risk levels that include carefully pre-selec­­ted cryp­to­cur­ren­cies. Coin­pa­n­ion mana­ges the cryp­to­cur­rency invest­ment in an auto­ma­ted way after that and addi­tio­nally offers the possi­bi­lity to conclude savings plans. With the Coin­pa­n­ion app and online access, users keep track of their invest­ment anytime and anywhere. Each port­fo­lio is protec­ted with state-of-the-art secu­rity stan­dards, and all cryp­to­cur­ren­cies are insured.

About Coin­pa­n­ion

Crypto invest­ment startup Coin­pa­n­ion was foun­ded in Vienna in 2019 and laun­ched into private beta in August 2020. In the mean­time, the plat­form is acces­si­ble to ever­yone and auto­ma­ti­cally mana­ges seve­ral million euros in crypto invest­ments for its female custo­mers. The four-member foun­ding team aims to make the highly complex cryp­to­cur­rency market acces­si­ble to the gene­ral public, ther­eby simpli­fy­ing invest­ments. The rapidly growing fintech company curr­ently employs 18 people.

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