Photo: Employee of FarmInsect GmbH

Heuking advises FarmInsect on € 8 million Series A

Photo: Employee of FarmIn­sect GmbH
11. Janu­ary 2024

Munich — A team led by Alex­an­der Weber, Heuking-Part­­nert, provi­ded legal advice to FarmIn­sect GmbH on its Series A finan­cing round.

The over­sub­scri­bed finan­cing round of eight million euros was led by the Oslo-based impact fund Sand­wa­ter and the growth fund mana­ged by Bayern Kapi­tal; the Stra­te­gic Impact Fund of the Minderoo Foun­da­tion (Austra­lia) and the EIC Funds of the Euro­pean Inno­va­tion Coun­cil also inves­ted. Other inves­tors previously invol­ved include High-Tech Grün­der­fonds, Unter­neh­mer­TUM Funding for Inno­va­tors and various busi­ness angels.

Foun­ded in 2020, FarmIn­sect GmbH is a Munich-based company specia­li­zing in insect bree­ding systems. It was part of the Food-Agro-Biotech (FAB) venture lab at the Tech­ni­cal Univer­sity of Munich.

FarmIn­sect offers a complete modu­lar solu­tion for decen­tra­li­zed on-site produc­tion of insect larvae and has deve­lo­ped indus­­try-leading insect bree­ding tech­ni­ques and gene­tic strains with impro­ved adap­ta­bi­lity to locally available larval feed. FarmInsect’s custo­mers should signi­fi­cantly reduce their feed costs, recy­cle orga­nic waste and gene­rate addi­tio­nal sources of income through ferti­li­zer, biogas and the sale of larvae.

Heuking has advi­sed FarmIn­sect GmbH since its foun­da­tion on various topics and in the area of venture capi­tal in seve­ral finan­cing rounds.

Advi­sor FarmIn­sect GmbH: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Alex­an­der Weber, LL.M. (lead), Roman Ettl-Steger, LL.M. (both venture capi­tal), both Munich; Dr. Henrik Lay (tax law/venture capi­tal), Hamburg; Peter M. Schäff­ler (tax law), Munich; Ariane Neubauer, Shimon Merkel, LL.M. (both venture capi­tal), both Berlin;
Domi­nik Eicke­meier, Svea Kunz (both IP/ data protection)
Kers­tin Deiters, LL.M., EMBA (Labor Law), all Cologne
Dr. Ruth Schnei­der (Anti­trust Law), Munich

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