Photo: The Porsche logo

Hengeler Mueller advises Porsche SE on record bond issue of 1.6 billion euros

Photo: The Porsche logo
18. April 2024

Zuffen­hau­sen — Porsche Auto­mo­bil Holding SE (Porsche SE) has issued a further bond with a volume of 1.6 billion euros — the largest unra­ted bond on the market. The bond compri­ses two tran­ches with matu­ri­ties until Septem­ber 2029 and Septem­ber 2032 and a volume of EUR 750 million and EUR 850 million respec­tively. The bond was over­sub­scri­bed seve­ral times.

The funds will be used by Porsche SE for the partial early repay­ment of exis­ting finan­cial liabi­li­ties and to build up stra­te­gic liqui­dity for poten­tial acquisitions.

Advi­sor Porsche Auto­mo­bil Holding SE: Henge­ler Mueller

Capi­tal markets law: Alex­an­der G. Rang (part­ner, lead), Julia Weid­ner (coun­sel), Dr. Konrad Schä­fer (asso­ciate, all Frank­furt). Corpo­rate law: Dr. Cars­ten A. Schap­mann, Dr. Gerd Sassen­rath (both part­ners), Manuela Roeding (coun­sel), Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Metzen (asso­ciate, all Düsseldorf).

About Henge­ler Mueller

Henge­ler Muel­ler is an inter­na­tio­nal law firm with offices in Berlin, Brussels, Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt, London and Munich. With around 320 lawy­ers, 90 of whom are part­ners, the firm specia­li­zes in provi­ding legal advice in complex tran­sac­tions, conten­tious dispu­tes and special situa­tions. Henge­ler Mueller’s clients include major commer­cial enter­pri­ses as well as leading inves­tors and family busi­nesses in Europe and worldwide.

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