
FSN Capital: Office opening in Munich with two new partners

Cate­gory: People
16. March 2018

Oslo / Stock­holm / Copen­ha­gen / Munich — Scan­di­na­vian private equity house FSN Capi­tal Part­ners has opened an office in Munich. With Robin Mürer (photo on the right) and Justin Kent (photo on the left), two expe­ri­en­ced invest­ment specia­lists could be won as new part­ners for the acti­vi­ties in the DACH region.

FSN Capi­tal Part­ners (“FSN Capi­tal”) was foun­ded in 1999 and is one of the leading Scan­di­na­vian equity inves­tors focu­sing on medium-sized compa­nies. The FSN Capi­tal funds advi­sed by FSN manage more than two billion euros. With a 43-strong team and offices in Oslo, Stock­holm, Copen­ha­gen and now Munich, FSN Capi­tal prefers to invest in growth-orien­­ted, mid-sized compa­nies in the indus­trial, digi­tal, services and consu­mer goods sectors. FSN Capi­tal supports manage­ment teams pursuing an orga­nic and acqui­­si­­tion-driven growth strategy.

Long-term commit­ment in the DACH region
The new office with two German part­ners in Munich under­lines FSN Capital’s ambi­tion to estab­lish a perma­nent presence in the German-spea­king region. With Robin Mürer and Justin Kent, FSN Capi­tal now counts ten part­ners. They bring exten­sive inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence and toge­ther have more than twenty years of invest­ment prac­tice in the DACH region: Over the past ten years at Apax Part­ners, based in Munich and London, Mürer mainly mana­ged invest­ments in the digi­tal, consu­mer goods and health­care sectors. Kent has spent the last twelve years of his career working prima­rily on invest­ments in small and mid-cap compa­nies throug­hout Europe — first at The River­side Company and most recently at Capvis Equity Part­ners, where he focu­sed on the German-spea­king region.

“Opening an office in Germany is an important mile­stone for FSN Capi­tal and at the same time a logi­cal step in the deve­lo­p­ment of our company. The indus­trial link between the Nordic count­ries and Germany is tradi­tio­nally strong; in the DACH region there are many very successful SMEs facing chal­lenges such as succes­sion, globa­liza­tion and digi­ta­liza­tion,” explains Frode Strand-Niel­­sen, Foun­der and Mana­ging Part­ner of FSN Capi­tal. “The start of Robin Mürer and Justin Kent is a key pillar of our contin­ued deve­lo­p­ment and we are plea­sed to welcome both to our team for the tasks ahead.”

Patrice Jabet, Part­ner in Munich, adds: “Robin Mürer and Justin Kent have exten­sive expe­ri­ence and a broad network in the DACH region. Equally important, they share FSN Capital’s values and company ethos.” With the new hires, the Munich team grows to five people; in the medium term, it is expec­ted to grow to ten invest­ment experts.

Special value orien­ta­tion, excel­lent track record
FSN Capi­tal sees itself as a respon­si­ble, value-driven inves­tor and follows the prin­ci­ple “we are decent people making a decent return in a decent way”. Toge­ther with foun­ders, owner fami­lies and manage­ment teams, FSN Capi­tal works to further deve­lop the busi­ness of its port­fo­lio compa­nies — in a respon­si­ble and sustainable way and through an active invest­ment approach. In this way, FSN funds have been able to achieve average returns with a multi­ple (ROI) of 3.0x and an inter­nal rate of return (IRR) of 27%; making FSN Capi­tal one of the best performing advi­sed invest­ment funds across Europe. FSN Capital’s and the FSN Funds’ commit­ment to strict envi­ron­men­tal, social and gover­nance (ESG) prin­ci­ples was recently reco­gni­zed with the 2017 Private Equity Corpo­rate Citi­zen­ship Award.

About FSN Capital
FSN Capi­tal Part­ners is an invest­ment firm exclu­si­vely advi­sing the FSN Capi­tal Funds with capi­tal commit­ments of €2.2 billion. To support their further deve­lo­p­ment, these funds invest mainly in growth-orien­­ted, Nort­hern Euro­pean compa­nies with a valua­tion of between €50 million and €300 million. FSN Capi­tal was foun­ded in 1999; the 43-member team works from Oslo, Copen­ha­gen, Stock­holm and Munich, and eleven execu­tive advi­sors contri­bute exten­sive indus­trial expe­ri­ence. The FSN funds curr­ently invest from the fund “FSN Capi­tal V” with a volume of one billion euros.

Since incep­tion, FSN funds have inves­ted more than one billion euros in 32 plat­form compa­nies and more than 70 add-on acqui­si­ti­ons. As a result, returns were achie­ved with a multi­ple (ROI) of 3.0x and an inter­nal rate of return (IRR) of 27%; making FSN Capi­tal one of the best performing advi­sed invest­ment funds across Europe. The recent share sales of Instalco (Sweden) and Lagka­ge­hu­set (Denmark) exem­plify excel­lent returns through crea­tive, entre­pre­neu­rial growth stra­te­gies; the invest­ments in Netcom­pany (Denmark) and Bygg­hemma (Sweden) demons­trate the successful part­ner­ship with strong manage­ment teams in acce­le­ra­ting growth in dyna­mic markets. The purchase of Austrian Fasching Safety Belts GmbH by FSN Capi­tal V port­fo­lio company Holm­bergs Safety System is the latest transaction.
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