Photo: f.l.t.r. Johannes von Borries, Prof. Dr. Helmut Schönenberger, Ingo Potthof, Benjamin Erhart, Andreas Unseld

Euro 255 million for third gamechanger fund from UVC Partners

Photo: f.l.t.r. Johan­nes von Borries, Prof. Dr. Helmut Schö­nen­ber­ger, Ingo Pott­hof, Benja­min Erhart, Andreas Unseld
24. Novem­ber 2021

Munich — Germany’s most successful foun­ders, inclu­ding Bastian Nomi­nacher from Deca­corn Celo­nis and Jochen Engert, Daniel Krauss and André Schwämm­lein from the mobi­lity plat­form Flix­bus, are inves­t­ing in the new fund from UVC Part­ners. The venture capi­tal firm raised a total of EUR 255 million for its third fund, inclu­ding an oppor­tu­nity fund. In addi­tion to the top foun­ders, the inves­tors also include estab­lished family offices, such as those of the Strüng­mann, Klat­ten and Schörg­hu­ber fami­lies. With its unique ecosys­tem, UVC Part­ners aims to pave the way for the next gene­ra­tion of Euro­pean Unicorns.

In addi­tion to Bastian Nomi­nacher from Germany’s first Deca­corn Celo­nis and Jochen Engert, Daniel Krauss and André Schwämm­lein from the mobi­lity plat­form Flix­bus, the foun­ders of CANCOM and fos4X are among those who have inves­ted in the new fund from UVC Part­ners. UVC Part­ners has been working with many of these top foun­ders for years on a basis of trust. “Our own success story is closely intert­wi­ned with UVC Part­ners,” says Jochen Engert, foun­der of Flix­bus. “Having bene­fi­ted from the UVC ecosys­tem oursel­ves on a wide variety of levels in recent years, we know from our own expe­ri­ence how precis­ely UVC Part­ners can iden­tify the game­ch­an­gers of tomor­row and lead them to success. That’s why we’re inves­t­ing in the fund oursel­ves today and believe in the start­ups that will soon bene­fit from it.”

Bastian Nomi­nacher, co-CEO and co-foun­­der of Germany’s first Deca­corn Celo­nis, has also been follo­wing UVC Part­ners’ success story for a long time. “It is admi­ra­ble what UVC Part­ners has built toge­ther with Unter­neh­mer­TUM over the past years. Nume­rous start­ups have been able to bene­fit from UVC Part­ners’ expe­ri­ence in buil­ding their busi­ness and ente­ring the market over the past years and I am proud to be part of this unique ecosys­tem in the TU Munich startup environment.”

Inves­t­ing in the game­ch­an­gers of tomorrow

UVC Part­ners’ third fund builds on the success of its two prede­ces­sors, incre­asing the invest­ment volume of the first tenfold. “The fact that foun­ders we have known for a long time and some of whom we have inves­ted in oursel­ves are now inves­t­ing in our fund is a great confir­ma­tion of our work,” says Johan­nes von Borries, Mana­ging Part­ner of UVC Part­ners. “With the new fund, we want to pick up right where we left off and once again invest in the game­ch­an­gers of tomorrow.”

In addi­tion to successful foun­ders, estab­lished family offices, such as those of the Strüng­mann, Klat­ten and Schörg­hu­ber fami­lies, as well as expe­ri­en­ced inves­tors such as Ann-Kris­­tin Achleit­ner, also rely on UVC Part­ners’ fund. “I have been obser­ving and follo­wing the deve­lo­p­ment of UVC Part­ners for many years and am convin­ced that they will play an essen­tial role in a new Euro­pean wave of start-ups that successfully bring funda­men­tal inno­va­tions to market,” says Ann-Kris­­tin Achleitner.

Unique ecosys­tem

One of the key reasons for UVC Part­ners’ success story: the unique ecosys­tem that the venture capi­tal firm provi­des to its start­ups. With its direct connec­tion to Unter­neh­mer­TUM, Europe’s largest center for start-ups and inno­va­tion, UVC Part­ners sits in the middle of an estab­lished network of rese­arch, start-ups, medium-sized compa­nies, DAX corpo­ra­ti­ons and family offices. At the same time, UVC Part­ners can draw on the resour­ces of Unter­neh­mer­TUM: 5,000 course-parti­ci­­pa­­ting talents from TU Munich each year, 100 corpo­rate part­ners and 300 employees, inclu­ding, for exam­ple, 30 highly specia­li­zed arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence experts at the Initia­tive for Applied AI. This enables UVC Part­ners to opti­mally support start-ups throug­hout Europe with market entry, recrui­ting, networ­king or tech­no­lo­gi­cal issues.

Florian Biller, foun­der of Capmo, was also convin­ced by this special mixture of exper­tise, network and part­ner­ship. “Whether it’s recrui­ting, finding the best follow-on inves­tors, or networ­king within the B2B SaaS commu­nity, we certainly would­n’t be where we are today without UVC Part­ners,” says Biller. “That’s exactly why we value UVC Part­ners’ advice as an expe­ri­en­ced and foun­­der-focu­­sed voice on our board.”

After the successful fund­rai­sing, the work for UVC Part­ners is just begin­ning. “Toge­ther with the game­ch­an­gers of tomor­row, we want to make the world more sustainable, more effi­ci­ent and better,” says Dr. Ingo Pott­hof, Mana­ging Part­ner of UVC Part­ners. “We have shown in the past that we can contri­bute inten­si­vely to this with our entire ecosys­tem, inclu­ding invest­ments in Flix­bus, KONUX, Isar Aero­space, Capmo, TWAICE and many others. Now we want to conti­nue our successful course with the next gene­ra­tion of top founders.”

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