Photo: The eight partners of Sonntag Corporate Finance

Elomatrix Eloxal + Oberflächentechnik sell to HERNEE HARTANODIC

Photo: The eight part­ners of Sonn­tag Corpo­rate Finance
23. April 2024

Wetz­lar / Trois­dorf / Grei­fen­stein — Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor, toge­ther with sonn­tag corpo­rate finance a leading German M&A advi­sory boutique for medium-sized compa­nies, has successfully advi­sed Eloma­trix Eloxal + Ober­flä­chen­tech­nik GmbH (“Eloma­trix”) on its sale to HERNEE HARTANODIC GmbH (“HERNEE”). The two specia­lists for metal proces­sing and surface finis­hing are thus pooling their exper­tise and aiming to achieve further growth and streng­then their market position.

Foun­ded in Colo­gne in 1964, Eloma­trix Eloxal + Ober­flä­chen­tech­nik GmbH has estab­lished itself as an expe­ri­en­ced anodi­zing plant throug­hout Germany. The North Rhine-West­­pha­­lian company offers specia­li­zed services to its custo­mers, who come from the aero­space, rene­wa­ble energy, auto­mo­tive and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring indus­tries, among others. These range from the anodi­zing of alumi­nium profiles and sheet metal to the finis­hing of proto­ty­pes and series parts in stan­dard and special colors. The surface specia­list combi­nes the highest quality stan­dards and custo­mer focus with short deli­very times.

New owner for Elomatrix

The previous share­hol­der Klaus Schlotz, who took over the tradi­tio­nal company from company foun­der Heinz Erdmann in 1999 and has conti­nuously deve­lo­ped it ever since, is now handing over Eloma­trix to the new owner: HERNEE HARTANODIC GmbH, based in Hesse, is also a proven specia­list in metal proces­sing and surface finis­hing, with a focus on alumi­num surface tech­no­logy. With its specia­li­zed service port­fo­lio such as indi­vi­dual color/gloss anodi­zing and wear-resistant surfaces (hard coating process), HERNEE has been serving a broad custo­mer base for over 30 years. These include groups and compa­nies from the auto­mo­tive and aero­space indus­tries, as well as from the elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring, semi­con­duc­tor and medi­cal tech­no­logy sectors.

Increase in growth poten­tial through multi­ple synergy effects

By merging with Eloma­trix, HERNEE is streng­thening its service port­fo­lio and further expan­ding its exis­ting custo­mer base. At the same time, the targe­ted use of synergy effects should enable the company to achieve its stra­te­gic growth targets. Klaus Schlotz, part­ner at Eloma­trix, will provide advice during the tran­si­tion phase. He comm­ents: “For over 60 years, Eloma­trix has stood for in-depth expe­ri­ence in alumi­num surface finis­hing. With HERNEE and Jens Neeb in parti­cu­lar, we have now found a part­ner who fits perfectly with the core compe­ten­cies and values of Eloma­trix and will lead the company into a successful future thanks to his many years of expe­ri­ence in the industry”.

Sebas­tian Wissig, the respon­si­ble project mana­ger at Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor, adds: “With their combi­ned resour­ces, both compa­nies are an excel­lent addi­tion to each other and to the market — both opera­tio­nally and stra­te­gi­cally. The many years of acti­vity of Eloma­trix and HERNEE in the market create the ideal condi­ti­ons for signi­fi­cantly acce­le­ra­ting further growth through the iden­ti­fied syner­gies, coher­ently expan­ding the product range and further streng­thening the market position.”

About Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor and sonn­tag corpo­rate finance

Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor GmbH, in asso­cia­tion with sonn­tag corpo­rate finance GmbH, is one of the leading M&A consul­ting firms in the German SME sector. The team of almost 30 experts accom­pa­nies medium-sized entre­pre­neurs exclu­si­vely through the entire sales process. “Our task is to safe­guard life’s work,” is how we see oursel­ves. In doing so, custo­mers bene­fit from a unique approach that has won multi­ple awards from the busi­ness press, and which protects the iden­tity of their compa­nies to a special degree. Thanks to their excel­lent access to medium-sized compa­nies, Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor and sonn­tag corpo­rate finance have also estab­lished them­sel­ves as a strong part­ner at the side of renow­ned natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal major compa­nies and inves­tors in acqui­si­ti­ons. This is also demons­tra­ted by the top posi­tion recently achie­ved at the Merger­mar­ket League Table. With a total of ten accom­pa­nied tran­sac­tions in the first quar­ter of 2024, the M&A consul­tancy ranks first in Germany.

About Eloma­trix Eloxal + Ober­flä­chen­tech­nik GmbH


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