Photo: Uwe Wolf, Managing Partner of RSM in Germany

Ebner Stolz joins forces with RSM network and grows strongly

Photo: Uwe Wolf, Mana­ging Part­ner of RSM in Germany
13. March 2023

Ebner Stolz Mönning Bachem leaves Nexia and beco­mes a member of the inter­na­tio­nal network RSM in Octo­ber. What will happen to the previous German RSM company has not yet been commu­ni­ca­ted. Ebner Stolz’s sales figu­res for the past fiscal year are impres­sive: It was able to gene­rate 15.2 percent more than in the previous year. The tax consul­ting busi­ness also grew significantly.

RSM increa­ses global reve­nue by 15% to more than $8 billion in 2022

RSM is one of the leading provi­ders of audi­ting, tax and consul­ting services for medium-sized compa­nies. released its global reve­nue figu­res for 2022 and announ­ced the launch of its 2030 global stra­tegy. RSM Inter­na­tio­nal repor­ted in Febru­ary 2023 that global sales in 2022 were more than $8 billion (€7.34 billion), up 15% from the previous year. — Global sales up more than 41% in three years; double-digit growth in all RSM regi­ons for the second year in a row. 10% increase in head­count to 57,000 RSM employees. RSM network targets 100% reve­nue growth by 2030,

Largest growth in consul­ting services

In 2022, global fees for RSM’s consul­ting services increased by 37%, inclu­ding IT consul­ting, which increased by 26%. Global sales from Risk Advi­sory also grew by 26%. RSM also saw strong global growth in Accoun­ting Services (11%), Tax (8%) and Audit (6%). — The number of employees world­wide also grew again. This has increased by 18% in the last two years alone to now 57,000 employees.

Global Stra­tegy 2030 marks a new era for RSM

With its Global Stra­tegy 2030, RSM aims to achieve 100% reve­nue growth by 2030. As part of the stra­tegy, RSM will also incre­asingly use auto­ma­tion, Big Data, machine lear­ning and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to meet the chan­ges in the new world of work and support compa­nies in the best possi­ble way.

About RSM in Germany

RSM GmbH is one of the ten largest medium-sized audi­ting and tax consul­ting firms in Germany, inde­pen­dent and part­­ner-mana­­ged. The more than 900 employees, inclu­ding around 250 audi­tors, tax advi­sors and attor­neys, provide audi­ting, tax, tran­sac­tion, corpo­rate and legal advice prima­rily to medium-sized compa­nies from 18 loca­ti­ons. RSM GmbH also advi­ses its custo­mers world­wide in the RSM network with more than 57,000 employees in around 120 countries.

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