Photo: Dr. Mathias Reif Corporate/M&A Partner at Deloitte Legal in Cologne

CentralNic Group acquires a stake in VGL Verlagsgesellschaft

Photo: Dr. Mathias Reif Corporate/M&A Part­ner at Deloitte Legal in Cologne
31. March 2022

Cologne/ London — Central­Nic Group plc (AIM: CNIC), the global inter­net plat­form company (selling online presence and marke­ting services) has inves­ted in VGL Verlags­ge­sell­schaft mbH, Berlin, Germany, valuing the company at an enter­prise value of €60 million. — Deloitte or Deloitte Legal advi­sed Central­Nic on tax, finan­cial valua­tion, inclu­ding data analy­­tics-based SEA/SEO analy­sis, and all legal matters inclu­ding contract negotiation.

Central­Nic is a London-based, AIM-quoted company that drives the growth of the global digi­tal economy by deve­lo­ping and mana­ging soft­ware plat­forms that enable busi­nesses world­wide to purchase domain name subscrip­ti­ons for websites and email, mone­tize websites and acquire custo­mers online. The Company opera­tes globally and gene­ra­tes reve­nue from the world­wide sale of Inter­net domain names and other services on an annual subscrip­tion basis.

VGL is known to the gene­ral public under the URL “” and its various special websites and sees itself as a service for the consu­mer to make purcha­sing decis­i­ons easier. In doing so, the plat­form relies on various test sources to be able to make the best possi­ble over­all recom­men­da­tion and display corre­spon­ding offers to custo­mers, e.g. on Amazon.

Advi­sors Central­Nic Group plc: Deloitte 
Deloitte Legal: Dr. Mathias Reif, Photo (Lead Legal), Boris Kröpsky, Chris­tian Hanne­mann (all Corporate/M&A, Colo­gne), Dr. Chris­tine von Hauch (Commer­cial, Colo­gne), Gerrit Neuhaus (Labor Law, Colo­gne), Adrian Merk­lin­ger (IP, Munich)
Deloitte Wirt­schafts­prü­fungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH: Dr. Marcus Roth (Lead Tax, Munich), Thomas Funk (Tax, Munich), Dr. Marcus Nibler (Lead Tran­sac­tion Services, Munich), James Murphy, Mona Stap­per­fenne (all Tran­sac­tion Services, Munich), Kris­tina Ganzen (M&A Analy­tics, Frankfurt).

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Deloitte provi­des indus­­try-leading audit and assu­rance, tax, consul­ting, finan­cial advi­sory and risk advi­sory services to nearly 90% of Fortune Global 500® compa­nies and thou­sands of private compa­nies. Legal services in Germany are provi­ded by Deloitte Legal. Our people deli­ver measura­ble, long-term results that help build public confi­dence in the capi­tal markets, help our custo­mers trans­form and grow, and lead the way to a stron­ger economy, a fairer society, and a sustainable world. Deloitte builds on more than 175 years of history and opera­tes in more than 150 count­ries. Learn more about how Deloitte’s more than 345,000 employees live the mission state­ment “making an impact that matters” every day.

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