Photo: The two founders of Mobile Premier League Sai Srinivas and Shubh Malhotra (photo left).

Bird & Bird advises Mobile Premier League on acquisition of GameDuell

Photo: The two foun­ders of Mobile Premier League Sai Srini­vas and Shubh Malho­tra (photo left).
8. March 2022

London/ Frank­furt — Bird & Bird LLP has advi­sed M‑League Pte Ltd (“Mobile Premier League or MPL”) on the acqui­si­tion of Berlin-based Game­Du­ell GmbH (“Game­Du­ell”) inclu­ding its inter­na­tio­nal subsidiaries.

Mobile Premier League is one of the world’s largest mobile eSports and skill gaming plat­forms with more than 70 games in its app for iOS and Android. Foun­ded by Sai Srini­vas (pictu­red right) and Shubh Malho­tra (pictu­red left) in 2018, MPL has grown in a short time with over 90 million users in India, Indo­ne­sia and the US.

Game­Du­ell is one of the most estab­lished gaming studios in Europe and has been successfully active in the online world for over ten years with more than 70 multi­player titles. The studio deve­lops multi­player games for the inter­na­tio­nal market and uses inno­va­tive open-source tech­no­lo­gies to create rich gaming expe­ri­en­ces across plat­forms, iOS, Android, Face­book and its own websites. MPL’s expan­sion into Europe unders­cores the company’s stra­tegy to be present in key global markets.
Simon Fiel­der, Lead Part­ner, commen­ted, “We are deligh­ted to have advi­sed MPL on such a signi­fi­cant acqui­si­tion for the gaming sector. Mobi­li­zing an inter­na­tio­nal team to tackle complex, cross-border issues has demons­tra­ted our excel­lent global network and Bird & Bird’s one-firm culture.”

Advi­sor MPL: Bird & Bird

Part­ner Simon Fiel­der (Corpo­rate, London), Part­ner Dr. Kai Kerger and Senior Asso­ciate Johanna Schind­ler (both Corpo­rate, Frank­furt) all lead, Legal Direc­tor Simon Gough (Tax, London), Asso­ciate Tamara Böhmert (Corpo­rate, Frank­furt), Part­ner Dr. Niels Lutz­höft, LL.M. Asso­cia­tes Dr. Chris­toph Hendel, Simon Hembt and Victo­ria Dehnert (all Commercial/Regulation, Frank­furt), Part­ner Dr. Barbara Geck and Asso­cia­tes Fran­ziska Fied­ler and Carina Seum (all Labor Law, Frank­furt), Part­ner Dr. Michael Jüne­mann, Coun­sel Johan­nes Wirtz, LL.M and Asso­cia­tes Julia Fröh­der and Timo Förs­ter (all Finance & Finan­cial Regu­la­tion, Frank­furt), Part­ner Dr. Stephan Wald­heim and Asso­ciate Tamy Tietze (both Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Part­ner Mascha Grund­mann and Asso­cia­tes Julia Präger and Manuela Muelot (all IP/Trademark, Frank­furt), Part­ner Dr. Chris­to­pher Maier­hö­fer (Patent Law, Munich), Part­ner Jörg-Alex­an­­der Paul and Asso­ciate Oliver Belitz (IT/DP, Frank­furt), Part­ner Stéphane Leri­che and Asso­ciate Pauline Pilain (Commer­cial, Paris), Part­ner Alex­andre Vuchot and Asso­ciate Morgane Basque (Commer­cial, Paris).

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