Photo: Jan-Phillip Kunz, LL.M., LUTZ | ABEL

BAYBG: Series A at HAPPYBRUSH for EUR 4 million.

Photo: Jan-Phil­lip Kunz, LL.M., LUTZ | ABEL
20. April 2021

Munich — happy­brush, the Munich-based start-up for elec­tric tooth­brushes and sustainable oral hygiene products, secu­res around EUR 4 million in a Series A finan­cing round. BayBG as an exis­ting inves­tor and the family holding company of the Haniel Group as a newly acqui­red inves­tor parti­ci­pa­ted in the finan­cing. LUTZ | ABEL provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice to BayBG in this finan­cing round.

With over five million products sold, the young company is one of the fastest growing compa­nies in Europe, accor­ding to the Finan­cial Times, and is even ranked number 1 in the health sector. The start-up is also making a name for itself in terms of social commit­ment and sustaina­bi­lity and has, for exam­ple, been certi­fied as a sustainable B‑corporation and awarded a “very good” rating by Ökotest (Super­Green, 04/2021). With the fresh money from the inves­tors, happy­brush would like to posi­tion itself more stron­gly on the German market, for exam­ple with alre­ady announ­ced inno­va­tions such as the tooth­brush connec­ted to an app, as well as expand into neigh­bor­ing Euro­pean count­ries with a basic product range.

Advi­sor BayBG: LUTZ | ABEL Rechts­an­walts PartG mbB
The consul­ting team around Jan-Phil­lip Kunz, LL.M. (lead) and Dr. Bern­hard Noreisch, LL.M. (both VC/M&A) consis­ted of Ute Schenn, Nina Theresa Mutsch­ler (both Commer­cial), Dr. Corne­lius Renner, Isabelle Hohl (both IP Law), Clau­dia Knuth, Xenia Verspohl (both Labor Law) and Chris­toph Rich­ter (Anti­trust Law).

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