
Astorius closes fourth fund of funds at EUR 81 million

21. Janu­ary 2020

Hamburg — Asto­rius successfully closed its private equity fund of funds Asto­rius Capi­tal PE Fonds IV (“ACF IV”) at the maxi­mum size of 81 million euros. The invest­ment focus is tradi­tio­nally on buyout and growth stra­te­gies in the Euro­pean midmarket.

“Asto­rius Capi­tal PE Fund IV is our largest private equity product for semi-profes­­sio­nal inves­tors to date, making it one of the most successful place­ments in this segment in the German market,” said Julien Zornig (photo), part­ner at Asto­rius Capi­tal. In addi­tion to many new inves­tors, a large propor­tion of repeat custo­mers are now among the subscri­bers who imple­ment the model of gradual port­fo­lio buil­ding with Astorius.

The total volume of ACF IV of 81 million euros repres­ents the most successful fund­rai­sing in the company’s history to date. “The signi­fi­cant increase in volume but also the high propor­tion of repeat subscri­bers shows that we have firmly estab­lished oursel­ves in the market as a fund of funds specia­list,” adds Zornig.

Attrac­tive portfolio
“The port­fo­lio is alre­ady almost fully inves­ted with six target funds,” explains part­ner Thomas Wein­mann. In addi­tion to four coun­try funds and two Pan-Euro­­pean funds, at least one more target fund will be linked to close the invest­ment. A number of corpo­rate invest­ments have alre­ady been acqui­red by the target funds, and Asto­rius expects to acquire around 70 corpo­rate invest­ments at peak.
“The market envi­ron­ment remains posi­tive for medium-sized company invest­ments. The past few years have been charac­te­ri­zed by stable, attrac­tive purchase price levels, which is reflec­ted in the plea­sing results of the prede­ces­sor funds,” says Weinmann.

Chal­len­ging inves­tor environment
In addi­tion to private indi­vi­du­als, smal­ler insti­tu­tio­nal custo­mers and foun­da­ti­ons were again attrac­ted as inves­tors. “We have contin­ued to focus on the needs of our direct custo­mers and part­ners and are constantly acting on the latest legal requi­re­ments” under­lines Julien Zornig. In addi­tion, Thomas Wein­mann empha­si­zes that “the trans­pa­rency crea­ted by Asto­rius and the insti­tu­tio­nal selec­tion process, which we are conti­nuously impro­ving, remain a decisive factor.”

About Asto­rius
Asto­rius was foun­ded in Hamburg in 2012 and is now one of the leading German provi­ders of private equity invest­ment solu­ti­ons for semi-profes­­sio­nal clients. The invest­ment and wealth experts offer inves­tors the oppor­tu­nity to invest in funds of funds laun­ched by Asto­rius. More than 900 Euro­pean fund mana­gers are evalua­ted for this purpose with the help of a proprie­tary data­base in an insti­tu­tio­nal analy­sis process.

The Asto­rius funds of funds successfully laun­ched to date invest exclu­si­vely in high-growth medium-sized compa­nies in Europe. Asto­rius also advi­ses family offices on their private equity invest­ments and invest­ment stra­te­gies. In this fast-growing busi­ness segment, the wealth and invest­ment profes­sio­nals recently mana­ged an invest­ment volume of more than 650 million euros.

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