
Airspace security: Dedrone raises over $12 million

1. Octo­ber 2020

Kassel / Berlin — Dedrone, the market leader in airspace secu­rity, has secu­red around $12.1 million (the equi­va­lent of €10.3 million) in growth capi­tal. The successful finan­cing round was led by Tempo­Cap, one of the largest Euro­pean invest­ment compa­nies in the tech­no­logy sector.

Foun­ded in 2014 in Kassel, Germany, Dedrone is a soft­ware company alre­ady backed by inves­tors such as Feli­cis Ventures, Menlo Ventures, Target Part­ners and John Cham­bers, former CEO of Cisco Systems and foun­der of JC2 Ventures. With the invest­ment, Dedrone intends to further deve­lop its drone detec­tion, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and defense tech­no­logy to protect busi­nesses and orga­niza­ti­ons world­wide from ille­gal drone acti­vity. The drone defense system deve­lo­ped by Dedrone detects approa­ching drones with the help of radio frequency sensors and special camera and radar systems, the data from which is proces­sed and analy­zed by the intel­li­gent Drone­Tra­cker software.

“Drone tech­no­logy has evol­ved greatly in recent years. Drones are now used in disas­ter relief and medi­cine deli­very, as well as for myriad appli­ca­ti­ons by busi­nesses and consu­mers,” explains Dedrone’s CEO Aadi­tya Deva­ra­konda. At the same time, he warns of the dangers posed by the unman­ned aerial vehic­les: “In the wrong hands, drones can be very dange­rous. They are easy to obtain and control and can be easily over­loo­ked. They are used prima­rily for espio­nage, smugg­ling and terrorism.”

“We are simply deal­ing with cutting-edge tech­no­logy that makes a huge diffe­rence to govern­ments, busi­nesses and criti­cal natio­nal infra­struc­ture,” says Olav Ostin, mana­ging part­ner of Tempo­Cap. It’s a fast-growing market, and we believe we’re betting on the best in the business.”

“Thou­sands of people and busi­nesses have felt the impact of ille­gal drone use, and this threat will conti­nue to grow. We look forward to tack­ling this chall­enge head-on,” adds Phil­ipp Meindl, Invest­ment Part­ner at TempoCap.

About Dedrone
Dedrone is the market leader in airspace secu­rity. Dedrone’s drone defense system protects criti­cal infra­struc­ture, govern­ments, mili­tary instal­la­ti­ons, prisons and busi­nesses around the world from unwan­ted drones. Dedrone’s SaaS tech­no­logy can be flexi­bly hosted in the cloud or on-premise and combi­nes machine lear­ning soft­ware with market-leading sensors and defen­ses. The goal is to provide early warning, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and defense against all drones thre­ats. Dedrone was foun­ded in Kassel in 2014. Since 2016, the company has been head­quar­te­red in San Fran­cisco, with addi­tio­nal offices near Washing­ton, D.C., in Colum­bus, Ohio, and London.

About Tempo­Cap
Tempo­Cap is one of the leading Euro­pean inves­tors in fast-growing compa­nies in the tech­no­logy sector. Tempo­Cap offers capi­tal to acce­le­rate corpo­rate growth as well as attrac­tive and flexi­ble liqui­dity solu­ti­ons for entre­pre­neurs, venture capi­ta­lists and corpo­ra­ti­ons. Tempo­Cap has around 2 billion euros under manage­ment. In addi­tion to inves­t­ing in indi­vi­dual assets, TempoCap’s recom­men­ded funds make direct direct invest­ments by purcha­sing entire port­fo­lios from a variety of inves­tors, inclu­ding venture capi­tal funds, corpo­ra­ti­ons, banks or named part­ners.

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