
Aurora Resurgence sells Alltub Group to One Equity Partners

Cate­gory: Private Equity
14. Novem­ber 2018

Frank­furt — Jones Day advi­sed Aurora Resur­gence on the sale of Alltub Group (“Alltub”) to One Equity Part­ners. Terms of the tran­sac­tion were not disc­lo­sed. Aurora Resur­gence is a subsi­diary of Aurora Capi­tal Group, a Los Ange­­les-based private equity firm that mana­ges over $3 billion in assets,

Foun­ded in 2005 as a spin-off of alumi­num produ­cer Alcan, Alltub is a market leader in specialty alumi­num and lami­nate pack­a­ging for the cosme­tics, phar­maceu­ti­cal, food and indus­trial markets. Head­quar­te­red in Amster­dam, the group opera­tes a global manu­fac­tu­ring and distri­bu­tion plat­form with loca­ti­ons in the Czech Repu­blic, France, Germany, Italy and Mexico, serving major custo­mers around the globe. With sales of over 150 million euros in 2017 and more than 1,400 employees, the group has grown steadily in recent years.

“It has been a great expe­ri­ence working with Alltub and insti­tu­ting a number of successful initia­ti­ves that have resul­ted in growth and profit expan­sion,” said Andrew Fohrer, Prin­ci­pal at Aurora Resur­gence. “We are plea­sed to have parti­ci­pa­ted in Alltub’s tremen­dous success and appre­ciate the efforts of Oliver Hoell and his team in deli­ve­ring a great result for our inves­tors. Today’s tran­sac­tion repres­ents a terri­fic outcome for the busi­ness and we wish the team all the best as they enter an exci­ting new chap­ter of growth.”

“It has been a privi­lege to part­ner with Aurora, and we are grateful for the opera­tio­nal exper­tise and stra­te­gic guidance they have provi­ded us over the past seven years,” said Oliver Hoell, CEO of Alltub. “The dedi­ca­tion of our skil­led work­force will allow us to conti­nue expan­ding into new markets and deli­ve­ring custo­mer satis­fac­tion. We look forward to working with One Equity Part­ners as we enter this new phase in our deve­lo­p­ment and put our ambi­tious growth plans into action.”

“One Equity Part­ners has signi­fi­cant expe­ri­ence in the pack­a­ging indus­try and a nota­ble track record of buil­ding successful compa­nies,” said Johann-Melchior von Peter, Senior Mana­ging Direc­tor at One Equity Part­ners. “Alltub fits perfectly into our port­fo­lio. With a resi­li­ent busi­ness model and the clear poten­tial to become a world-leading tube and aero­sol player, Alltub is an ideal plat­form for buy-and-build oppor­tu­ni­ties in a conso­li­da­ting market.”

Lincoln Inter­na­tio­nal acted as exclu­sive finan­cial advi­sor and Jones Day acted as legal advi­sor to Aurora and Alltub.

The Jones Day team was led by My Linh Vu-Grégo­ire, photo (Part­ner, M&A, Frankfurt/ Amsterdam/ Paris). The follo­wing addi­tio­nal Jones Day attor­neys were invol­ved in the tran­sac­tion: Dr. Sascha H. Schmidt (Of Coun­sel, Banking, Finance & Secu­ri­ties, Frank­furt), Dr. Holger Neumann (Part­ner, Public Law and Regu­la­tion, Frank­furt), Chris­tian A. Krebs (Part­ner, M&A, Frank­furt), Dr. Johan­nes Zöttl (Part­ner, Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Markus Hamann (Of Coun­sel, Public Law and Regu­la­tion, Frank­furt), Bastiaan Kout (Asso­ciate, M&A, Amster­dam), Menno Geusens (Asso­ciate, M&A, Amster­dam) as well as lawy­ers from Jones Day’s offices in London, Milan, Mexico City, Munich, Paris, Pitts­burgh and Washington.

About Jones Day
Jones Day is a global law firm with more than 2,500 lawy­ers in 43 offices on 5 conti­nents. Our firm philo­so­phy is charac­te­ri­zed by a focus on long-term, sustainable client service, mutual respect and seam­less colla­bo­ra­tion among the attor­neys in our part­ner­ship, outstan­ding legal exper­tise in all prac­tice areas and juris­dic­tions, and shared values that put our clients’ inte­rests first.

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