Photo: Michael von Rüden, attorney and partner at Deloitte Legal

WPP acquires healthcare PR agency 3K

Photo: Michael von Rüden, attor­ney and part­ner at Deloitte Legal
13. March 2023

Düssel­dorf — The Fran­k­­furt-based health­care PR agency 3K Agen­tur für Kommu­ni­ka­tion GmbH is selling to the British WPP Group. A Düssel­­dorf-based Deloitte Legal team led by corporate/M&A part­ners Michael von Rüden and Thilo Hoff­mann (Düssel­dorf) advi­sed on the transaction.

Foun­ded in 1998, 3K Agen­tur für Kommu­ni­ka­tion GmbH is one of the leading health­care public rela­ti­ons agen­cies in Germany. It is known for its exper­tise in medi­cine, health­care, biophar­maceu­ti­cals and rela­ted scien­ces. Its clients include well-known global phar­maceu­ti­cal compa­nies, as well as consu­mer health brands and local biotech start-ups.

WPP is an inter­na­tio­nal commu­ni­ca­ti­ons, adver­ti­sing, public rela­ti­ons and tech­no­logy holding company head­quar­te­red in London. Through the tran­sac­tion, 3K Agen­tur für Kommu­ni­ka­tion GmbH will become part of the global network of Hill+Knowlton Stra­te­gies, a subsi­diary of WPP, which is an inter­na­tio­nal commu­ni­ca­ti­ons consul­tancy provi­ding services to local, multi­na­tio­nal and global clients.

For 3K Agen­tur für Kommu­ni­ka­tion GmbH, the tran­sac­tion promi­ses syner­gies with the global network of Hill+Knowlton Stra­te­gies and WPP. For its part, Hill+Knowlton Stra­te­gies’ acqui­si­tion of German health­care commu­ni­ca­ti­ons specia­list 3K offers a boost to its inter­na­tio­nal health­care capabilities.

Advi­sor 3K Agen­tur für Kommu­ni­ka­tion GmbH, owner Ruth Bastuck: Deloitte Legal
Led by corporate/M&A part­ners Michael von Rüden and Thilo Hoff­mann (Düssel­dorf)

Advi­sor WPP: DLA Piper
Daniel Osma­no­vic (Frank­furt) et al.

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