Photo: Viessmann building in Allendorf

Viessmann acquires stake in Australian Value Added Engineering Group

Photo: Viess­mann buil­ding in Allendorf
4. May 2021

Esch­born — Rödl & Part­ner has advi­sed the Viess­mann Group on the acqui­si­tion of 34.3% of the shares in Value Added Engi­nee­ring Group (VAE), an Austra­lian design, instal­la­tion and service company for heating, venti­la­tion and air condi­tio­ning. The new part­ner­ship enables Viess­mann to enter the growth market of Austra­l­asia. VAE, mean­while, can rely on an inter­na­tio­nal, stra­te­gic part­ner that has exten­sive exper­tise and inno­va­tive strength in the field of heating, venti­la­tion and air-condi­­tio­­ning tech­no­logy. In 2020, the family-owned company employed 12,300 people and gene­ra­ted group sales of 2.8 billion euros.

In the context of the share acqui­si­tion, the Viess­mann Group was advi­sed by Rödl & Part­ner on all econo­mic issues.

About Viess­mann

The Viess­mann Group is one of the world’s leading manu­fac­tu­r­ers of heating, indus­trial and cooling systems. In 2020, the family-owned company, foun­ded in 1917, employed 12,300 people and gene­ra­ted group sales of 2.8 billion euros. About VAE Value Added Engi­nee­ring Group was estab­lished in 1997 and today is one of Australia’s most advan­ced buil­ding services inte­gra­tors. The priva­tely owned company specia­li­zes in complete solu­ti­ons for large projects such as airports, univer­si­ties and hospi­tals. In the past decade of busi­ness, VAE has increased its reve­nue from one million Austra­lian dollars to a projec­ted $150 million (just under 100 million euros) in 2021. The company curr­ently employs 330 people.

Advi­sor Viess­mann Group: Rödl & Partner
Jochen Reis, Part­ner (Head of Tran­sac­tion & Valua­tion Services), Esch­born, Over­all Project Manage­ment — Finan­cial Inga Heßdör­fer, Senior Asso­ciate (Tran­sac­tion & Valua­tion Services), Esch­born — Finan­cial Alex­an­der Wübbels, Asso­ciate, (Tran­sac­tion & Valua­tion Services), Esch­born — Financial

About Rödl & Partner
Rödl & Part­ner — The agile caret­a­ker for medium-sized global market leaders As lawy­ers, tax advi­sors, busi­ness and IT consul­tants and audi­tors, we are repre­sen­ted at 109 of our own loca­ti­ons in 49 count­ries. Our clients trust our 5,120 colle­agues world­wide.

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