
Thüga Erneuerbare Energien acquires two wind farms and two solar farms each

Cate­gory: People and Deals
30. April 2020

Thüga Erneu­er­bare Ener­gien GmbH & Co. KG(THEE) is expan­ding its port­fo­lio with two exis­ting wind farms in Bran­den­burg and Rhine­­land-Pala­­ti­­nate and two solar farms in Meck­­len­­burg-Western Pome­ra­nia. This increa­ses THEE ’s wind energy port­fo­lio by 13.6 MW to appro­xi­m­ately 282 MW. In 2018/2019, THEE had alre­ady acqui­red six solar parks, some of which are opera­ted by its subsi­diary THEE Solar GmbH & Co. KG. With the current acqui­si­tion of the two addi­tio­nal projects, THEE’s solar energy port­fo­lio increa­ses by 3.2 MWp to 14.2 MWp. The muni­ci­pal inves­tor thus curr­ently opera­tes a total of 27 wind farms and eight solar farms. Taylor Wessing ’s energy team, led by Hamburg-based part­ner Cars­ten Bartholl (pictu­red), provi­ded legal advice to THEE on the acqui­si­ti­ons, as it has seve­ral times in the past. These are not isola­ted cases: last year alone, the firm’s energy team advi­sed on rene­wa­ble energy projects with a scope of more than 2,500 MW at various stages of deve­lo­p­ment in Europe and overseas.

Thüga Erneu­er­bare Ener­gien GmbH & Co. KG (THEE), based in Hamburg, is a joint venture between seve­ral compa­nies in the Thüga Group. All compa­nies are mino­rity share­hol­ders in THEE. In prin­ci­ple, parti­ci­pa­tion in THEE is open to all compa­nies of the Thüga Group. THEE invests in rene­wa­ble energy gene­ra­tion projects with a focus on Germany. The aim of THEE is to bundle know-how and capi­tal in order to expand its own energy produc­tion from rene­wa­ble sources in the coming years.

Legal advi­sors Thüga Erneu­er­bare Ener­gien: Taylor Wessing
Part­ner Cars­ten Bartholl (Part­ner M&A/Corporate, Head of Energy), Hannes Tutt (Salary Part­ner, Commer­cial Real Estate, Hamburg), Dr. Markus Böhme, LL.M. (Salary Part­ner, Regu­la­tory Energy Law, Düssel­dorf), Lars Borchardt (Asso­ciate, Envi­ron­men­tal Plan­ning & Regu­la­tory); Chris­tian Kupfer (Asso­ciate, Corporate/Energy), Jasmin Schlee (Asso­ciate, Corporate/Energy), all Hamburg, unless other­wise stated.

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