
Düssel­dorf — The Deloitte Legal team advi­sed Düssel­dorf-based RP Digi­tal GmbH, a subsi­diary of Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe, on its 49 percent stake in best it AG.

Berlin-based best it AG digi­ti­zes busi­ness models and sales proces­ses of brands, manu­fac­tu­r­ers and retail­ers in both the B2B and B2C sectors in a sustainable and value-adding manner. It specia­li­zes in the deve­lo­p­ment and distri­bu­tion of soft­ware and licen­ses, as well as in consul­ting for compa­nies in the field of e‑commerce. In doing so, best it AG covers the entire value chain from e‑commerce, custo­mer enga­ge­ment, data & content manage­ment (PIM & CMS), UX & design to online marketing.

RP Digi­tal GmbH, the central digi­tal unit of Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe, is expan­ding its digi­tal agency busi­ness with this tran­sac­tion to include the e‑commerce compo­nent. In the future, it will provide its regio­nal market part­ners with a digi­tal, scalable plat­form and deve­lop it further to offer the best custo­mer expe­ri­ence in the media busi­ness, dyna­mi­cally expand digi­tal custo­mer rela­ti­onships (end custo­mers and adver­ti­sers), and mone­tize them optimally.

Deloitte Legal provi­ded compre­hen­sive tran­sac­tional legal advice to RP Digi­tal GmbH. Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe regu­larly relies on the support of Deloitte Legal for its M&A transactions.

Advi­sors RP Digi­tal GmbH: Deloitte Legal Germany
Dr. Michael von Rüden (Part­ner, Lead, Corporate/M&A), Thilo Hoff­mann (Part­ner, Corporate/M&A), Maxi­mi­lian Giep­mann (Asso­ciate, Corporate/M&A, all Düsseldorf)
Deloitte Legal Austria: Dr. Stefan Zischka (Part­ner), Chris­tina Feis­trit­zer (Asso­ciate, both Labor Law, both Vienna)

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Deloitte Legal refers to the legal advice prac­ti­ces of the member compa­nies of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limi­ted, its affi­lia­tes or affi­lia­tes that provide legal services.
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