
Syngroh Capital acquires 35 percent of building services provider KMLS

19. Septem­ber 2018

Hamburg — Syng­roh Capi­tal has acqui­red a 35 percent stake in Hamburg-based buil­ding and branch tech­no­logy service provi­der KMLS and intends to expand its range of services. Initi­ally foun­ded in 2010 as a service provi­der for energy manage­ment and light­ing tech­no­logy, KMLS curr­ently has more than 200 employees who gene­rate annual sales of appro­xi­m­ately 20 million euros. Its range of services includes tech­ni­cal buil­ding equip­ment and light­ing design, as well as the execu­tion and main­ten­ance of all buil­ding services trades in new cons­truc­tion and reno­va­tion. The custo­mer base includes chain stores with 3,500 bran­ches as well as hospi­tals and logi­stics centers. Within a period of three years, Syng­roh may exer­cise the option to acquire a majo­rity interest.

The buyer intends to add further services to KMLS’s port­fo­lio and has its sights set on the rene­wa­ble energy and smart buil­dings trends, among others.

Syng­roh is owned by the Grohe family and mana­ged by Richard Grohe (photo). In 2017, Syng­roh Capi­tal was foun­ded, an invest­ment company of the Grohe family, known for the produc­tion of fittings (Hans­g­rohe company). The invest­ment in KMLS is to be follo­wed by further invest­ments in medium-sized produ­cers and service provi­ders in German-spea­king count­ries. The company is targe­ting compa­nies worth between EUR 10 million and EUR 50 million each.

Deloitte, Hoff­mann Liebs Frit­sch & Part­ner, Ernst & Young and Baker McKen­zieadvi­sed on the current transaction.

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