Photo: Sport Alliance enables the efficient management of fitness studios (© SportAlliance)

Sport Alliance on course for growth: PSG secures a further USD 100 million

Photo: Sport Alli­ance enables the effi­ci­ent manage­ment of fitness studios (© SportAlliance)
29. Novem­ber 2023

Hamburg — Sport Alli­ance, a leading soft­ware company in the fitness indus­try based in Hamburg, Germany, announ­ces a further invest­ment of USD 100 million from leading equity growth firm PSG Equity (“PSG”). PSG alre­ady supported the Hamburg-based soft­ware company with USD 65 million in 2021. No further finan­cial details were disclosed.

Sport Alli­ance has set itself the goal of taking the sports and fitness indus­try to a new level with cloud-based and digi­tal soft­ware solu­ti­ons. The company counts more than 8,000 sports and health faci­li­ties among its custo­mers and offers inno­va­tive all-in-one soft­ware and services for fitness chains, fran­chise systems and indi­vi­dual studios.

With its product port­fo­lio, which is curr­ently available throug­hout Europe, Sport Alli­ance enables the effi­ci­ent manage­ment of gyms Sport Alli­ance and easy, digi­tal access to sport and exer­cise for members in sports faci­li­ties. Over 5.2 million gym members use the app solu­ti­ons provi­ded by Sport Alli­ance to gain easy and digi­tal access to sports facilities.

Sport Alliance’s core product is the “Magicline” manage­ment soft­ware. It is not only the market leader among ERP soft­ware systems in the fitness indus­try in German-spea­king count­ries — with its inte­gra­ted core brands for finan­cial services and member apps, Magicline has become the stan­dard for many sports provi­ders over the years. Its most renow­ned custo­mers include the RSG Group (McFit, John Reed, Gold’s Gym), clever fit and Bodystreet.

“I am extre­mely proud of the great perfor­mance of the Sport Alli­ance team and very plea­sed about the trust that PSG has placed in us. It proves once again that our products and services offer precis­ely the solu­ti­ons that the market needs and that we are making an important contri­bu­tion to the digi­ta­liza­tion of the fitness indus­try,” says Daniel Hanelt, CEO of Sport Alli­ance. “PSG’s invest­ment once again encou­ra­ges us to conti­nue our success story inter­na­tio­nally beyond the German-spea­king region. I am looking forward to the exci­ting future that lies ahead of us.”

“Since we ente­red into the part­ner­ship with Sport Alli­ance just over two years ago, we have expe­ri­en­ced an incre­di­ble curve of success. The company has since further expan­ded its offe­ring and driven forward the digi­ta­liza­tion of sports venues in Europe,” says Edward Hughes, Mana­ging Direc­tor at PSG. “We are deligh­ted to deepen our commit­ment to Sport Alli­ance and look forward to seeing what the strong team will achieve next.”

About Sport Alliance

Sport Alli­ance GmbH, based in Hamburg, specia­li­zes in soft­ware solu­ti­ons for effi­ci­ent studio manage­ment and finan­cial services in the fitness indus­try. The group of compa­nies has over 8,000 custo­mers, inclu­ding FitX, RSG Group (McFIT, Gold’s Gym, John Reed), clever fit and Body­s­treet. With “Magicline”, Sport Alli­ance offers Europe’s leading manage­ment ERP solu­tion for the fitness indus­try, helping gym opera­tors to opti­mize and digi­ta­lize their faci­li­ties. In addi­tion to Magicline, the company’s port­fo­lio also includes Finion — with Finion Capi­tal and Finion Fair­Pay — a provi­der of finan­cial services that supports studio opera­tors with the manage­ment of member­ship fees through to debt coll­ec­tion.

About PSG Equity

PSG Equity (“PSG”) is a growth equity firm that part­ners with soft­ware and tech­­no­­logy-enab­­led services compa­nies to help them trans­form and grow, capi­ta­lize on stra­te­gic oppor­tu­ni­ties and build strong teams. PSG has supported more than 130 plat­form compa­nies and faci­li­ta­ted over 470 add-on acqui­si­ti­ons to date. The company brings exten­sive invest­ment expe­ri­ence, deep exper­tise in soft­ware and tech­no­logy and a strong commit­ment to working with manage­ment teams to the part­ner­ships. Foun­ded in 2014, PSG has offices in Boston, Kansas City, London, Madrid, Paris and Tel Aviv.


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