Photo: Jerome Cochet (l.) and David Diallo (r.), the founders of Goodcarbon - Source: Goodcarbon

Seed round: CO₂ certificate start-up goodcarbon receives € 5.25 million

Photo: Jerome Cochet (l.) and David Diallo (r.), the foun­ders of Good­car­bon — Source: Goodcarbon
25. April 2024

Berlin — good­car­bon secu­res €5.25 million in funding to bring new high-quality nature-based solu­ti­ons to market and enable compa­nies to meet their long-term net zero and nature commit­ments. Ocean 14 Capi­tal leads the round, with parti­ci­pa­tion from Silver­strand Capi­tal, high profile angel inves­tors and exis­ting inves­tors Planet A Ventures, 468 Capi­tal and Green­field Capital.

Foun­ded in 2021 by Jérôme Cochet (photo left) and David Diallo, good­car­bon offers a plat­form for compa­nies that want to build and manage trust­wor­thy, long-term port­fo­lios of carbon credits from nature-based solu­ti­ons. The start-up’s approach invol­ves close colla­bo­ra­tion with impact-orien­­ted projects and the culti­va­tion of exclu­sive good­car­bon origi­nal projects.

The EUR 5.25 million invest­ment is aimed at expan­ding the company’s nature analy­sis and exper­tise, streng­thening the team and brin­ging addi­tio­nal high-quality climate protec­tion projects to the market

At the heart of their model is the realiza­tion that the follo­wing three major chal­lenges of our time are inter­lin­ked and require a unified solu­tion: Global warm­ing (“net zero target”), loss of nature (“biodi­ver­sity target”) and global inequa­lity (“SDG target”). In the coming years, the start-up aims to become an inte­gral part of the carbon offset­ting plans of compa­nies in Germany and beyond.

“This finan­cing round marks a pivo­tal moment for good­car­bon and our mission to provide compa­nies with access to high-quality nature-based solu­ti­ons that enable them to imple­ment their emis­sion reduc­tion stra­te­gies while protec­ting our planet,” says Jérôme Cochet (photo left), foun­der and CEO of good­car­bon. “It is esti­ma­ted that 10 billion tons of carbon reduc­tion can come from nature by 2030, but we need to close the finan­cing gap for high quality instal­la­ti­ons. Many compa­nies are reluc­tant to enter into long-term part­ner­ships with projects due to a lack of avai­la­bi­lity and trans­pa­rency on the actual quality of the projects. With the Ocean 14 Capi­tal fund and Silver­strand Capi­tal on board, we are streng­thening our global network and exper­tise in nature-based solu­ti­ons and have expe­ri­en­ced new part­ners on our side to expand our Good Carbon Origi­nals projects.”

Nature-based solu­ti­ons are projects that aim to protect, sustain­ably manage and restore natu­ral and alte­red ecosys­tems, effec­tively addres­sing social chal­lenges while bene­fiting people and nature (IUCN). These projects have long-term, ecolo­gi­cally and econo­mic­ally sustainable effects for nature, local commu­ni­ties and inves­tors alike. Support­ing early-stage nature-based solu­ti­ons means initia­ting high-impact, high-inte­­grity projects that are scalable, drive inno­va­tion, and restore and sustain ecosys­tems. Nature-based solu­ti­ons are indeed the most effec­tive tool in the fight against climate change, biodi­ver­sity loss and social inequality.

“We are deligh­ted to support good­car­bon and its mission to provide compa­nies with access to nature-based solu­ti­ons,” says George Duffield of Ocean 14 Capi­tal. “We are parti­cu­larly impres­sed by their science-based approach to quality and the alignment between product and market. The fact that they are alre­ady working with leading compa­nies such as Deut­sche Tele­kom, Bertels­mann and Melitta clearly demons­tra­tes their poten­tial to lead and make a diffe­rence in this space. We look forward to helping good­car­bon enable more compa­nies to confi­dently deli­ver on their net zero and nature promises.”

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