Revocation for digital media

Disclai­mer: The follo­wing sample GTC have been prepared by a lawyer( They meet the legal requi­re­ments of a typi­cal online store aimed at consu­mers. Howe­ver, you should use the temp­late only after careful review and adapt­a­tion to your speci­fic busi­ness model. The clau­ses may be inad­mis­si­ble in certain constel­la­ti­ons. If in doubt, seek legal advice.

Information on the right of withdrawal for consumers regarding the delivery of digital content that is not delivered on a physical data carrier (e.g. e‑book, software download)

Cancel­la­tion policy

A consu­mer is any natu­ral person who enters into a legal tran­sac­tion for purpo­ses that can predo­mi­nantly be attri­bu­ted neither to his commer­cial nor to his inde­pen­dent profes­sio­nal activity.

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to cancel this contract within four­teen days without giving any reason. The with­dra­wal period is four­teen days from the date of conclu­sion of the contract. To exer­cise your right of with­dra­wal, you must notify us ([Insert: Name/company, address of the revo­ca­tion addres­see, phone number, email address and, if available, the fax number. You can also use the short­code [woocommerce_en_disclaimer_address_data] for this purpose, and store the address in Settings DE.]) by means of a clear decla­ra­tion (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e‑mail) of your decis­ion to revoke this contract. You can use the enclo­sed sample revo­ca­tion form for this purpose, but it is not manda­tory. In order to comply with the with­dra­wal period, it is suffi­ci­ent that you send the noti­fi­ca­tion of the exer­cise of the right of with­dra­wal before the expiry of the with­dra­wal period.

Conse­quen­ces of the revocation
If you with­draw from this contract, we must refund all payments we have recei­ved from you, inclu­ding deli­very costs (with the excep­tion of addi­tio­nal costs resul­ting from the fact that you have chosen a type of deli­very other than the chea­pest stan­dard deli­very offe­red by us), without delay and at the latest within four­teen days from the day on which we recei­ved noti­fi­ca­tion of your with­dra­wal from this contract. For this repay­ment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the origi­nal tran­sac­tion, unless expressly agreed other­wise with you; in no case will you be char­ged for this repayment.

Sample cancel­la­tion form

(If you want to cancel the contract, please fill out and return this form).
— To [insert: Name/company, address of the revo­ca­tion addres­see, e‑mail address and, if available, the fax number]:
— I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the follo­wing goods (*)/provision of the follo­wing service (*)
— Orde­red on (*)/received on (*)
— Name of the consumer(s)
— Address of the consumer(s)
— Signa­ture of the consumer(s) (only in case of noti­fi­ca­tion on paper)
— Date
(*) Delete as applicable.

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