Photo: Kai Sessinghaus, Managing Partner of REDHILL Corporate Finance

REDHILL CF advises Danish H+H Group on 2 acquisitions

Photo: Kai Sessing­haus, Mana­ging Part­ner of REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance
23. Febru­ary 2022

Munich — REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance advi­sed the listed Danish H+H Group on the majo­rity take­over of DOMAPOR GmbH & Co KG — a manu­fac­tu­rer of aerated concrete and sand-lime bricks based in Meck­­len­­burg-Vorpom­­mern — and the acqui­si­tion of the Fran­co­nian aerated concrete manu­fac­tu­rer Greisel.

H + H conti­nues its growth course in the aerated concrete and sand-lime brick sector. The acqui­si­ti­ons of Grei­sel and DOMAPOR repre­sent a further stra­te­gic mile­stone in the expan­sion of the Group’s German busi­ness and produc­tion capa­ci­ties. Greisel’s plant in Feucht­wan­gen provi­des H + H with an aerated concrete presence in Bava­ria for the first time. At the same time, DOMAPOR’s market posi­tion and coverage in nort­hern Germany will be further signi­fi­cantly strengthened.

H+H Inter­na­tio­nal A/S, based in Copen­ha­gen, is one of the leading produ­cers of wall-buil­­ding mate­ri­als in Europe. The group of compa­nies opera­tes 29 plants in Germany, the United King­dom, Poland and Switz­er­land and achie­ved sales of over EUR 400 million in 2021.

REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance has compre­hen­si­vely supported the H+H Group as M&A advi­sor in the initia­tion, struc­tu­ring and nego­tia­tion of the two transactions.

About REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance

REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance specia­li­zes in advi­sing on the sale and acqui­si­tion of compa­nies (M&A), MBO/MBI and struc­tu­ring of finan­cing. As “M&A specia­list for medium-sized compa­nies” REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance offers perso­nal M&A consul­ting for owner-mana­­ged and family-mana­­ged compa­nies with a turno­ver between 10 million and 100 million EUR as well as for their share­hol­ders and inves­tors. Foun­der Kai Sessing­haus has 25 years of expe­ri­ence in this segment and is one of the most expe­ri­en­ced M&A advi­sors for medium-sized tran­sac­tions in Germany.


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