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Climate-friendly infrastructure — opportunities for private investors

 3,45 inkl. MwSt.


Climate-friendly infrastructure — opportunities for private investors

Dr. Andreas Jobst — Head of Macroe­co­no­mic Rese­arch and Capi­tal Markets at Alli­anz SE, Munich

Dr. Markus Zimmer — Econo­mist ESG at Alli­anz SE, Munich

Pablo Espi­nosa Uriel — Invest­ment Stra­te­gist at Alli­anz SE, Munich

The war in Ukraine underscores that as we move toward a lower-carbon future, we need to strategically refocus on climate-friendly
infrastructures are needed to ensure energy and food security.

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Climate-friendly infrastructure - opportunities for private investors


Dr. Andreas Jobst

Position author

Head of Macroeconomic Research and Capital Markets at Allianz SE, Munich

2. author

Dr. Markus Zimmer

Postion 2. author

Economist ESG at Allianz SE, Munich

3. author

Pablo Espinosa Uriel

Position 3. author

Investment Strategist at Allianz SE, Munich