Photo: Technical plant of the Rosen Group (© rosen gruppe)

Poellath advises ROSEN Group on sale of majority stake to Partners Group

Photo: Tech­ni­cal plant of the Rosen Group (© rosen gruppe)
14. Novem­ber 2023

Munich — Hermann Rosen, foun­der of the ROSEN Group, has sold a majo­rity stake in the company to Part­ners Group, one of the world’s leading mana­gers of private market invest­ments. Hermann Rosen will remain on the board of the ROSEN Group and will reinvest in the company along­side Part­ners Group. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the finan­cial details of the transaction.

The closing of the tran­sac­tion is still subject to the usual regu­la­tory appr­ovals and is expec­ted to take place in the first half of 2024. POELLATH provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to the manage­ment of the ROSEN Group in connec­tion with the transaction.

As an inno­va­tion leader, the ROSEN Group, based in Stans (Switz­er­land), has been deve­lo­ping, produ­cing and distri­bu­ting products and services for the inspec­tion, diagno­sis and moni­to­ring of indus­trial plants for over 40 years. In its core busi­ness, the company builds inspec­tion devices that are used to inspect pipe­lines for damage. The ROSEN Group also offers soft­ware solu­ti­ons that opera­tors can use to deter­mine the condi­tion of their systems. The ROSEN Group opera­tes in over 120 count­ries at 25 loca­ti­ons and employs around 4,300 people world­wide, inclu­ding around 400 employees of the new ventures that are not part of the transaction.

The tran­sac­tion is part of Hermann Rosen’s succes­sion plan­ning and concludes a process that was initia­ted around a year ago in the inte­rests of all of the company’s stake­hol­ders. Toge­ther with his manage­ment team, Herr­mann Rosen exami­ned stra­te­gic opti­ons in order to create the condi­ti­ons for ROSEN’s long-term success.

Part­ners Group is a leading global private markets invest­ment mana­ger. Since 1996, the company has inves­ted USD 200 billion world­wide in private equity, private real estate, private debt and private infra­struc­ture on behalf of its clients. Part­ners Group seeks to gene­rate strong returns by inves­t­ing in thema­tic growth trends, ther­eby reali­zing the poten­tial of compa­nies and assets.

Part­ners Group will work with the manage­ment of ROSEN Group to leverage the company’s capa­bi­li­ties to expand into new areas and adja­cent markets, inclu­ding future energy sources, inclu­ding new oppor­tu­ni­ties in the energy tran­si­tion, such as hydro­gen pipelines.

Consul­tant to the ROSEN Group: POELLATH

Dr. Bene­dikt Hohaus (Part­ner, Manage­ment Investments/Private Equity)
Ida Süß, LL.M. (UCLA) (Asso­ciate, Manage­ment Participations/Private Equity)
Jan Lukas Jung­claus, LL.M. (Stel­len­bosch) (Asso­ciate, Manage­ment Participations/Private Equity)

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